Alex promoted that rumour LMAO > u> Mommy was bad and... b-believed her D: I'M SORRY *huggles*
Hiya Mister Fox ; u; Mommy misses you <333 No need to kick daddy's butt. I talked to him yesterday on Skype C: He doesn't do much on theO or the PB anymore.
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
Luna missed you too! <3333333
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/23/11 | Reply
Alex promoted that rumour LMAO > u> Mommy was bad and... b-believed her D: I'M SORRY *huggles*
Hiya Mister Fox ; u; Mommy misses you <333 No need to kick daddy's butt. I talked to him yesterday on Skype C: He doesn't do much on theO or the PB anymore.