Rukia's Hope

Something soo the Rukia scan from

This was just a simple wall-e....didn't want to make it sooo elaborative since the person is in a very dark place....



Just wanted to make a wall-e about Tsubasa again!! Felt really bored lately....and also I haven't made any Tsubasa wall-e's!! So...hope you guys like it!!

This wall-e reminds me of the "happy days" they used to have before the Tokyo Revelations. Happiness will always last for as long as u want it to be!

Sakura & Syaoran render:


Forgotten Post!

My sister made this wall-e a few days ago.....I sort of forgot to post it it is!! ^ ^ XD

The anime is Kannagi. I haven't seen it, neither did she....but she really liked the girl! So...she came up with this!


Yuki Sohma & Honda Tohru!!

Hi, friends!! As you know, my sister made another wall-e for the Fruits Basket category!! It features Yuki and Tohru as a lovey-dovey couple!!! ( I personally think that Tohru should be lovey-dovey with Kyo instead!!)

Anyways, it's the day before the 4th of July!!! Woo hoo!! FIREWORKS!!! My neighborhood would always be loud during the 4th of July and I respect them for that!!('s just a bit 2222 much!!) They totally don't sleep till like 12 or the morning!! So....that's a bit expected!!

So here's the wall-e:


No IdeA!!!

Hello everybody!! If you guys read my last post....I promised that I would be posting new stuff to make up for those 4 days that I will be gone! (which is next monday!!~~~Sorrry, if I ever said in my last post that I would be leaving next week rather than the week after next week!! Sorrrrry!! :) ) sister made 2 wall-e's today and I think both of them are just plain out AWESOME!!

Here's the first one:

By the way....I don't know which anime this girl is in.....I found it in the O and I can't remember which anime she was on.....I forget things sooo much :( least I liked it and my sister did 2!!

Oh!! Thank u for the people that commented on my wall-e challenge post!! It means a lot!! XD I will be posting the 2nd wall-e my sister made on the next tight!!

