Lelouch wall!!

So...this is something my sister made....yesterday....I like how he looks like in this picture....
Anways...I hope you guys like the way she did the effects and stuff...



Hey guys!! It's been a few days since my last post!! I've been so busy reading lately!! (I know...it sounds a bit geeky..) but anyway...my sister made this Code Geass wallpaper and since I don't really know the characters, except Lelouch....she didn't know how to name it right! So, we decided to just name it "Code Geass"! (I know....it sooooo creative!!) So here it is:


P.S. Just so you guys know....the book that I've been reading....NON-STOP....for 3 whole days...is.....The Host by Stephanie Meyer!! Twilight anti-fans... don't get upset with this...the story is way cooler than the whole vampire topic!! (just my opinion...i read all of the Twilight series and got really into it...till the movie came out.....got really disappointed!!
