
This is for the challenge..."Hottest Anime Girls of 2009". I love this challenge sooo much!! Thanks babydensity! U ROCK!! ^______________^ BD

Well.....I didn't make this wall-e....my sister did. So....me 'n here want 2 thank u for the AWESOME comments/hugs/faves. U guys totally rock for that! XD


Finally....It's Eevee! :)

Hey people!! Happy Father's Day, to all the dads in the Otaku and of course....to the world!! We appreciate your roles as fathers and we thank you for that!! Anyways... I would like to introduce my Eevee wallpaper! I used a circle vector and some highlighted flowers to perfect the scene!! Hope you guys like it...

This is dedicated to my awesome friend....HopeDragon!! Hope you like the Eevee wallpaper.

