Red Flow

The Red flow
starts with snow
thought of as purity
horrible, i know
nothing of security
a horrible blow
you scream in pain
yet never strain
to figure out
who's about
its lifelong
this chill
that makes you still
you'll realize
we are made of ties
and we cant be different
yet we can be indifferent
so take the life
of the one of pain
take a knife
and take a chain
cut the vien
and kill the one who caused you cain
and all will be still
but ill let you know
it was your will
as you see the red flow


We live to die

We live to die
Yet never know why
of joy, and pain
theres only one to rein
the life you lead
Seems not of wanting
your just a seed
not worthy of soothing
but if you were slain
you can rip free the chains
live free of the strains
It wont even rain
You could spread your wings
You could change many things
As all your dreams
Came together
Just two of a feather
As it seems
But as this is good
It also looks bad
As it should
It will be sad
you would have to die
and forgotten why


Hues of my dreams

The hues of my dreams
are sometimes scary
or full of beautiful streams
Yet always vary
Beautiful blue and white
Horrible grey and black
A radiant flight
A devestating flash-back
A visional fantasy
A ceasless night
a imagination accuracy
A worrisome sight
As i look inside
I can change them
As my eyes go wide
Ill take my item
The most important thing
And i just might survive
The Hues of my dreams



I awaken To rise To begin To climb To lift To grow To soar To prosper To start To occur To happen To move To realize To love To live To bring into being,...

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I descend to collapse to perish to surrender to sink to kneel to break to shatter to recede to fall to diminish to decease to ruin to defeat to decline to dr...

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