Dance to Death

Step, Left. forward. back.
Keep your small feet on track.
Step, back. forward. right.
Don't be scared to take flight.
Step, left. right. forward.
Don't forget to draw your sword.
Step, back. right. left.
This Dance to the Death.
Faster, faster on this floor.
Aren't your feet yet so sore?
Slice, slip. stab. run.
Go ahead! pull out your gun.
Shoot, cry. try to hide.
Gouge your eyes out, please go blind.
Wander, run. trip and fall.
looks like you're here for all.
Fumble with masters door knob.
Hit the door, Shake and sob.
bend your head back, wail and weep.
pray and cry your head to keep.
Goodbye my little one.
Masters Through with you.
Goodnight my little love.


Master loves you <3


Color with Roses

Bright red rose buds
Explode on white canvas
Rip and tear
Color it bitterly.
Lock together
Sweet twisted romance
Ivory skin
Color it beautifully.
Royal Crown
Laden with thirsty Thorns
Dripping skull
Color it pitifully.
Black Razors
Sliding down the darkest river
Leaky eyes
Color it painfully.
But don't forget-
Color with roses.

The Peppermint Boy

( Sorry this is late it was for christmas. But here you go )

Once Upon  A Time...

Snow crept down from the sky, fluttering past the figure of a small boy. The Green and white striped hair fluttered past his face softly in the cold wind, as he pulled a green white flaked scarf over his face. He shivered lightly as his pale skin on his cheeks grew pink from the cold, and kept walking on. The boy looked to be around 17 years of age. His pale sea green eyes looked forward half-lidded, looking for his near home, carrying a small white cloth with Christmas treats, anticipating the time he could eat them next to his fire. As wind kept blowing, he caught a small scent of peppermint on his nose and looked around.
     "Who else is here? I've never seen anyone on the path home..." He slowly changed course as he whispered this to himself, Curiously inclined to stray towards the smell. As He walked past the white, snow covered trees he saw a little bit of red in the snow and grew closer to the smell. "Hello?" He said. "Who are you? Are you alright?" He walked right up to a small boy with red and white streaked hair, opposite of his green and white hair. The little Boy wore a scarlet and white wrap around his torso while wearing some white pants with twinkling red designs on the bottom. He softly looked up with his red-white rimmed eyes to the other pair. "I am Peppermint, and I'm just cold is all." The little boy smiled with his cute red cheeks and giggled lightly. "O-oh, well... I'm Spearmint. Nice to meet you. Would you like to maybe come to my house, where it's nice and warm?" Spearmint gave a gentle smile and held out his white-gloved hand as Peppermint gave a look of surprise. "T-that would be wonderful! Thank you, kind sir..." Peppermint smiled softly and took his hand, getting up with Spearmint's help. Spearmint took the boy softly in his arms and carried the cold boy home, as Peppermint held the treats for him in his small arms.
    As they approached the small house, Peppermint giggled and smiled happier than he had before. Spearmint's cheeks reddened a little out of happiness this time instead of the cold, and walked inside. Spearmint laid Peppermint on the couch and chuckled lightly at the happy boy before giving him a Peppermint out of his treats. Spearmint started the fireplace and brought Peppermint close to the fire to warm up with him as they both ate the scrumptious treats Spearmint had brought home.
    "These Peppermints are the best I've ever tasted!" Peppermint giggled as he licked the peppermint he was given. "Well then I have more, help yourself." Spearmint chuckled at him for being so enthusiastic. "Yay!" Peppermint hugged Spearmint tightly out of happiness and snuggled his head into his chest. "Thank you so much Spearmint...for saving me from the harsh cold." Spearmint's cheeks flushed a little and he wrapped his arms around the boy. "Of course... I wouldn't let a little boy like yourself freeze to death."
Peppermint's cheeks warmed a little too and both saw each others light blush, Spearmint nervously looking away as Peppermint just intently stared up at him. Spearmint's heart started to beat a little quicker, as he felt Peppermints small hands pushing down on his arms so he could raise his face up to his. "Spearmint?" Peppermint quietly whispered as Spearmint slowly returned his gaze towards him. "Y-yes, Peppermint?"
     Peppermint softly leaned in and gave Spearmint a tender kiss on the cheek. "I-I think I like you!" Spearmint's cheeks almost got as red as the clothes Peppermint was wearing when he gazed at the soft red eyes. "I...I think...I like that..." Spearmint smiled a little and kissed Peppermint lightly. "Is it okay... If I hold you in my arms tonight?" Peppermint blushed deeply as well and gripped Spearmint's arms a little tighter. "Y-yes. I-it is." Peppermint smiled lightly as he felt Spearmint pull him closer to him. The snow outside fell quietly as their hands held, and their souls slowly became one.
     The sun outside slowly rose as the snow began to disappear. Spearmint's eyes slowly fluttered open as he grunted a little, having slept only a little. He slowly sat up and placed his hand next to him, feeling the bed. "W-wait... it's cold... where's...Peppermint?" He looked around the bed and stood up when he noticed no one was there, wrapping a small blanket around him. His worried eyes led him all around the house, but he never found one trace of him, not even his peppermint scent. As he sat on his bed and placed his face in his hands, Small tears fell down his face. "Peppermint... Y-you... left..." Small sobs left his throat as he thought about him. " Oh... Peppermint..."
     Days passed and there was still no trace of his beloved Peppermint. 'Was it all a dream?' Spearmint thought as he walked down the usual trail to his house. 'He was... such a perfect match... I...think I loved' He rubbed his eye quickly at the thought and trudged on, as the bright snow once again began to fall. His heart started to beat a little quicker as he smelled a familiar scent, and he ran towards it.
     "Peppermint?!" He instantly stopped as he saw a flustered Peppermint crying. Peppermint gasped lightly and looked up at Spearmint before standing up. "Spearmint...I-is that you?"
Tears welled up in Spearmint's eyes. "I-it is..." Peppermint quickly hugged Spearmint tight as the snow fluttered past. " I-I’m so sorry! I forgot about t-the snow! I...I Only can be here when it snows..." Spearmint blinked in surprise before wrapping his arms around him. “Why? Why can’t you stay when its not snowing?” Peppermint sniffed lightly before looking up at him. “I am a spirit. The spirit of ice and snow. I…I can’t be out when it’s warm.” Spearmint just smiled lightly before petting Peppermint’s hair.
“Then Let’s move north.”
Peppermint’s face brightened and smiled widely. “You’d do that? For me?” Spearmint nodded and gave him a soft kiss. “For the only one I love.”


Make a stand

There is a forest on the land
where i will make a stand.
I will stride across the grass
Step on broken glass.
I’m not afraid of the road i tread
or where its mysteries have led.
I no longer have a heart to break
my soul is clearly filled with ache.
What do i have to fear now?
When, where? What, how?
The only thing i fear is death
where you can’t find life's breath.
I fear myself and death alone
in the beginning i should have known.
Now all i have is this land.
Where i will tread and make a stand.

Screen write - copywrited!!

INT. inside house by window - night A boy around the age of eighteen is sitting in the window sill of his house, staring at the sky. A star twinkles in the sky as He sighs. The light in the stars can be seen reflecting on his eyes. K...

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