My Masquerade

I'm Dancing in the Masquerade
In the costume that you made
it cradles each bow and thread
All pretty, black white and red
A Simple Stylish Suit of Love
Covered head to foot in blood
With Shined black elegant shoes
With dark dark shades of blues
Hand in hand with your corpse
I do Help you dance of course
You made your costume good as well
As far as my eyes can tell
All beautiful, white and red
Especially where you bled and bled
Your necklace of dripping blood
Each droplet lands, a dripping thud
Speckles of red on bright white heel
For to hold i shall kneel
I shall dance with you till i drop
I really never want to stop
For this is my masquerade
And i dance in the costume that you made.

Dance to Death

Step, Left. forward. back.
Keep your small feet on track.
Step, back. forward. right.
Don't be scared to take flight.
Step, left. right. forward.
Don't forget to draw your sword.
Step, back. right. left.
This Dance to the Death.
Faster, faster on this floor.
Aren't your feet yet so sore?
Slice, slip. stab. run.
Go ahead! pull out your gun.
Shoot, cry. try to hide.
Gouge your eyes out, please go blind.
Wander, run. trip and fall.
looks like you're here for all.
Fumble with masters door knob.
Hit the door, Shake and sob.
bend your head back, wail and weep.
pray and cry your head to keep.
Goodbye my little one.
Masters Through with you.
Goodnight my little love.


Master loves you <3


lovu lovu

love love,
i hear your voice
hug hug,
I feel your skin
kiss kiss,
i taste your lips



Drain my life
Drain my kiss
Drain my eyes
Drain my heart
Drain my being
Drain my colors
Drain my senses
Drain my hearing
Drain my thoughts
Drain my happiness
Drain my thoughts
Drain my hearing
Drain my senses
Drain my colors
Drain my being
Drain my heart
Drain my eyes
Drain my kiss
Drain my life

But take all the happiness away
Take all the happiness away
All the happiness away
The happiness away
Happiness away

But leave all the sadness behind
Leave all the sadness behind
All the sadness behind
The sadness behind
Sadness behind

I’ll give all of it to you
Give all of it to you
All of it to you
Of it to you
It to you
To you



Why would you fogive

Black and white feathers Falling around me They fall, the weepers Beneath my rule I watch them Sob sadly At the feet of a demon They scream so badly A torturous horror A blank look you give To ...

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