Praying my heart

Ripping Apart on the Inside
Falling Apart When I Hide
Burning Tears Run Down My Face
With The Pain I Cant Replace
Crying Out When No Ones Here
Just To Wipe Another Tear
Nothing Seems To Be Working
I’m Tired Of Sulking
I Just Want Some Happiness
I Want That Peaceful Bliss
When Someone Calls My Name
I might Seem Even Sane
But If You Look Within The Cracks
You’ll See my Face Bent Back
Hot Tears Streaming Down
That Don’t Hit The Ground
My Eyelids Are Heavy
My Cheeks Are Tear Stained
I Want To Cry Out To You
But I’m Afraid You Wont Understand
I Cant Sleep At Night
Because My Dreams Are Filled With Fright
I Think I Can Make It
But Only, If Only, A little Bit
I Cry Myself To Sleep
Praying That My Heart, You Will Keep.

Look for me

Look into my eyes
So you can see my emotions
Look into my soul
So I can create memories
Look where I cant
So you can save me
Look at who I am
So you can tell me who I am
Look at what I am
So you can tell me its okay
Look into my eyes
So you can kiss me one more time

lovu lovu

love love,
i hear your voice
hug hug,
I feel your skin
kiss kiss,
i taste your lips



Hey, sorry bout this guys but im probably not gonna be abl eto post for an estimate of a week. im grounded, and i really dont feel like killing myself about it night all!~ ~SasukiMimochi!~ ...

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Th day the earth stood still

The day the earth stood still
Not any, there was no will
Rain froze in its tracks
Making humans taken aback
Where angels flew not
And demons did not sin
Even those who'd thought to rot
It couldn't help, you're in what you're in
Tears held so delicately, in hands of gold
Sadness having not one prey
But millions, billions, that day
All, young and old, this story is told
Yet not everyone is affected
Someone greater was the cause
Now every heart, every soul is infected
Just for that one very pause
The day that the earth stood still
