Hello, everyone!

You have reached the rambling, the fangirling, and the general chill-pad of theOtaku's NightBeck, a.k.a Becky, a.k.a Crimson Lotus the Irish Ninja.

... okay, maybe not the last one. But people will be calling me that one day.

This is your place to chill, talk about life and fandom, and be generally crazy. So go on. Play nice, be good to each other, don't make me hurt you.

My favorite series: Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!

My writing: Cafe Cliche

Your recs, I needs them!

So it would appear that I've discovered the cure for homesickness (though mostly "I miss pomegranate lemonade" and "I miss my cellphone"), culture shock (though I'd say it's more "host family shock" and "this-is-not-orange-juice-you-liars shock"), and school-related stress (though granted, the stress mostly stems from the fact that by the time I get out of classes for lunch, there's nowhere to sit and all the anman are gone).

That cure would appear to be, for one reason or another, mystery stories. ;;

Unfortunately I've run out, and my thirst has not yet been quenched. (God, I miss pomegranate lemonade.) Does anyone have any recs for a good mystery or suspense book/TV show/movie/manga/etc that I can sink my teeth into? It has to be available online in e-book/download format for obvious reasons, but otherwise I'm up for anything. It just has to be fun. <3

Thanks in advance! I'm... going to go down to the 7-11 and buy some juice.

EDIT: ... another reason to distract myself? Crazy marathon arguments between my host parents. Joy.
