As if any of us were the least bit normal, anyway.

This is my second day of classes, and things have been going down already. I have listened to an ex-hippie-turned-professor ramble about how he used to be a communist and love Stalin ("but that was then, of course!") and burst into Italian, I've made semi-serious plans to kill someone in the night, I've been dropped on the floor by my roommate while she was attempting to dip me, I've had an extremely loud Tales of the Abyss gaming session which mostly consisted of trying to figure out how two-player worked and hysterical giggling at double entendres... in other words, some good things, some bad things, and some very Brandeisian things.

I am inflicting Pandora Hearts on my roommates. I never fail to be amused at how the first episode is like, "Antics... exposition... antics... exposition... OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT... antics." We were also trying to decide whether Gil or Oz was more jailbait-tastic. It is an ongoing discussion.

My new dorm is lovely and huge, but has some issues. Namely, that the AC doesn't work in Miranda's or my room, my window doesn't close, and my shades don't open. That's about par for the course. I will post pictures when we have decorated more, and when my room doesn't look like an explosion took place.

Today will be much busier than yesterday, since between 12:00 and 4:30 I have three classes in a row. One of those classes happens to be Sekino's Japanese Lit in Japanese class. Ahahaha I am going to die. This will be my first Japanese class where I can't make up for my failkanji with my nice-sounding speaking. D: I need to talk to her about a peer tutoring job, too.

And I should prepare for my doom now, so I'll catch y'all later. ♥
