Hello, everyone!

You have reached the rambling, the fangirling, and the general chill-pad of theOtaku's NightBeck, a.k.a Becky, a.k.a Crimson Lotus the Irish Ninja.

... okay, maybe not the last one. But people will be calling me that one day.

This is your place to chill, talk about life and fandom, and be generally crazy. So go on. Play nice, be good to each other, don't make me hurt you.

My favorite series: Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!

My writing: Cafe Cliche

As if any of us were the least bit normal, anyway.

This is my second day of classes, and things have been going down already. I have listened to an ex-hippie-turned-professor ramble about how he used to be a communist and love Stalin ("but that was then, of course!") and burst into Italian, I've m...

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My school seems to be in the news a lot.

... God, this terrifies me. The school took this long to let on how awful those losses were, and I'm worried about what else will be gone by the time I get back. I'm concerned for my favorite professors. And if they got rid of the Rose Art Museum, what's to stop them from scrapping one of my small majors in my senior year? And let's forget about my financial aid package. If they're increasing the number of acceptances, they'll diminish my scholarships and use them for incoming freshmen instead. (I don't know where those incoming freshmen are going to <i>live</i>, but.)

Just... thanks so much, Madoff. I really hope you're happy.

Well, that was a first.

So I was going to make an entry here about moving in, and the new room, and seeing my roommates and Tanya again and such... But then this morning, we had three paramedics, two campus police officers, one police sergeant, and one onlooker in...

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