You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal
- Created By Skulduggery69
Durant looked on with great approval as Sessa placed the bottle behind the wraith. As the cat nudged it with her paw, the bottle tipped, opening the lid, and releasing the glowing liquid inside. It swirled up and out of the container as a fine blu...Sessa: of course!
Sessa's eyes glowed at the task she was given, it was perfect! She phased back into a cat and grabbed the flask in her mouth, holding it carefully and slowly crawled out from behind the wall. She kept an eye on the wraith as she made her way towar...Matthieu
Durant crouched on his mark, watching the wraith with narrowed eyes. He gripped the bottle tightly in his hand. Then, turning his attention to the others as they moved, he awaited the signal from Amarie. The two vampires made eye contact, and Dura...Sessa:feels useless
Sessa's mouth nearly dropped opn when Amarie told her to stay with Mr.Durrant. Staring helplessly after the two vampires, she looked back up at MR.Durrant with his glowing bottle. She did know that she was almost helpless without her coat and kniv...Amarie
Amarie Nodded and sighed. *o.k that sounds good.* She looked down at Sessa and said *Sessa... you stay here it's safer for you... Me and Ed will go around from this corridor here, Sir if u could in 10 minutes I will give you the signal when we get over to that dorr over their.* She points to the door that is behind the Wraith. *You come out, grab it's attention... try not to get hurt by it in anyway... and then Ed you know what to do, and I will act after you. ok So we know what we have to do... let's go.*
Amarie crouches around to the side door with Ed, leaving her teacher and Sessa safe behind the wall. She and Ed ran as fast as they can towards the opposite entrance to the courtyard that situated behind the Wraith, now that the wraith turned around. It took 5 minutes to get there. And Amarie kept her eyes on the Wraith like a stalking tiger, aswell as making an none verbal conversation, with her teacher by eye contact.