
This is my journal for rambling about my study of the Japanese language and culture, hopefully so you all will learn something interesting, too. Here, you'll find various information: interesting cultural notes, vocabulary, kanji, and some accounts of the places I visited when I went to Japan in 2006.

And come March 2009, this journal will become my study abroad journal, to post my accounts and photographs from my upcoming stint at the Tokyo university, Jouchi Daigaku.

Fellow East Asian Studies aficionados are always welcome to correct me on any mistakes I might make!

Important links:
Hiragana Chart

Katakana Chart


Welcome to my (in)comprehensive nihongo journal, guys!

I was going to make this for when I go to Tokyo next year to study abroad, but as it turned out, I couldn't wait! And besides, sometimes, when I learn something cool in my Japanese class, I just feel the need to babble about it to someone. And that someone usually looks at me like I'm crazy and tries to feign interest. So I set this up in order to share these things with the otaku community.

Of course, I'm a long way from knowing everything. I started learning Japanese on my own in the spring of 2006, and officially in the fall of 2006, so it hasn't quite been two years since I started taking classes. I'm currently in the fourth level of the language class, and I've taken classes regarding Japanese literature, films, history, and culture. And I know fully well that, in the grand scheme of things, that ain't nothin'. So writing these things down in order to explain it to others is as helpful to me as anyone else!

(And, of course, if anyone else here knows more than I do, you should feel free to chime in at any time. The more you know, right?)

So here's what I have planned so far. Until my study abroad begins, this will be the place for me to talk about interesting linguistic and cultural quirks, teach some vocab and kanji, and talk about some of the places in Japan I've been so far. Other than that, if there's anything you want to know about, ask! If you have something you've always been curious about, I'll do my best to answer it. That, or I'll ask my esteemed Japan expert... by which I mean "my friend Ayako from Osaka." XD

I hope this journal might be helpful to you!
