Konichwa!! This is a page devoted to the learning of japanese.(nihongo) Everyone is welcome, and questions are encouraged! I would ask though, that there is no 'put downs' or anything of that sort that might discourage. Learning is a process, and there will always be mistakes. If you should see any: feel free to correct them, just please do so kindy if you will. This will help to contribute to a safe and communative enviroment.
Myself; I have been studying japanese for over four years academically, as well as continuous personal study. I will be doing my best to post some new vocab, culture facts, speech, or grammer at least every one to two weeks. If there are any questions or comments, please pm me or simply comment on a post. I hope we will all find this an informative and helpful place.
Much Obliged,
- Created By Burning Silver
Hiragana :3 (3)
Next comes:
さ: sah = sa
し: shee = shi
す: soo = su
せ: seh = se
そ: soh = so
た: tah = ta
ち: chee = chi
つ: tsoo = tsu
て: teh = te
と: toh = to
Family <3
Here's a small lesson on the family and immediate members. (I will elaborate on this at another time :3)
- father: otoosan (oh-toh*long o*-sah-n) = someone else’s father
chichi (chee-chee) = 'my' father (only used when speaking of your own) - mother: okaasan (oh-kah*long a*-sah-n) = someone else’s mother
haha (hah-hah) = 'my' mother (once again-only used for one's own parent - grandfather: ojiisan (oh-jee*long e*-sah-n) ; also a term for elderly men-not necessarily an 'actual grandpa' (sort of like the English term 'gramps', just not considered rude)
- grandmother: obaasan (oh-bah*long a*-sah-n) ; also can be term for elderly women- just like ojiisan
- older brother: oniisan (oh-nee*long e*-sah-n) = someone else’s big brother
ani (ah-nee) = ‘my’ older brother - older sister: oneesan (oh-neh*long eh*-sah-n) = someone else’s older sister
ane (ah-neh) = ‘my’ older sister - younger brother: otootosan (oh-toh*long o*-toh-sah-n) = someone else’s younger brother*
- younger sister: imootosan (ee-moh*long o*-toh-sah-n) = someone else’s younger sister*
*When speaking of your own younger siblings, remove the ‘san’ on the end. This is a title of respect and it is considered wrong, rude, and conceited to place honor on your own family.
This was a brief lesson on family titles. Thanks for joing me today, I hope you find this helpful. As always, if you have any questions, just pm me or comment them in!! :3