Konichwa!! This is a page devoted to the learning of japanese.(nihongo) Everyone is welcome, and questions are encouraged! I would ask though, that there is no 'put downs' or anything of that sort that might discourage. Learning is a process, and there will always be mistakes. If you should see any: feel free to correct them, just please do so kindy if you will. This will help to contribute to a safe and communative enviroment.
Myself; I have been studying japanese for over four years academically, as well as continuous personal study. I will be doing my best to post some new vocab, culture facts, speech, or grammer at least every one to two weeks. If there are any questions or comments, please pm me or simply comment on a post. I hope we will all find this an informative and helpful place.
Much Obliged,

Hirigana!!:3 (2)

Alright, here is the next set of characters from the hirigana 'alphabet'. *For future reference: both hirigana and katakana 'alphabets' have 46 characters.*

か: kah = ka

き: kee = ki

く: koo = ku

け: keh = ke

こ: koh = ko

If you have begun to notice a 'pattern' in the characters, then you are on track. After the first five 'vowel' characters, all other characters are combinations of 'consonants' and the 'vowels'. Always in the a i u e o order as well. Also, I am/will continue to post all hirigana lessons in order, consecutively.
