Jess's Big Boy (Present To: Cate From: Me)


Meanwhile at the "supposed" city, two men were talking to each other. One was a large-rounded man, the other was a skinny, arrogant man. They both manage an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet at the center of the city. These two culinary men had faced hard times. One time, their stock of food was invaded by Shukaku the tanuki, who wanted to feed himself and his friends whom were living in a cardboard box during the time. Another time, a man-eating plant and its plant offspring came to the buffet to eat all of the customers there. And just a few months ago, a notorious gang known as the Skeletal Bandits used the building as a Ghost HeadQuarters of Mass Descruction. In the end, the two managers moved from country to country, until they moved into this city. They figured that nothing more unusual than what they faced would come their way. Anyway, concerning to the story, the bright red telephone rang. The skinny manager picked it up.

"Hello, Simone and Kale's Buffet, How may I help you?" The voice that answered was deep, demanding, serious, yet childish.

"Yes, My name is Taro Chikumo and my family and I are really hungry tonight, so could you please reserve the whole place only to me, please?"

"I'm Sorry, Sir. I can't do that. A giant wealthy family of men has already reserved the whole place tonight. They called early and they paid for everything."

"But I'm more hungry than them! You gotta give me that place... My wife and daughter are starving!!!"

"Look, I do not want to argue with you! Either you and your obese family comes in or no food at all..."

"What did you just call my wife!?"

"You heard me, I called your wife a giant ball of blubber. So is your fat a*** daughter. Isn't it obvious why you want the whole, giant buffet to yourself?"

"Look, you don't understand my situation-"

"Oh, I understand your situation, Mr. Chikumo. Your huge wife threatened to divorce you if she doesn't get fat and happy, is that it? Or did your fat piggy princess of a daughter threatened to run away?"

"Okay, you're really making me p****ed off! This is no way to treat your customers."

"After I got demons eating my food, man-eating plants eating my customers, and bandits taking over my place, you think I should treat others fairly. Nuh-uh, no way am I letting an over-grown, selfish little boy put me down!"

"THAT'S IT! I'm coming over there RIGHT NOW!"

"Fine!" Both Taro and the skinny manager, named Simone, hung up on each other in frustration. Just then, Kale the Large manager, came up to Simone.

"Um, Boss, who was that on the phone?" Kale asked.

"Oh, just some guy called Taro Chikumo..." Simone yawned with boredom.

"Isn't he the leader of that infamous ninja assassins?" Kale closed his eyes in fear.

"Who cares!? He's not going to damage anything while I'm around," He then got up from his seat, "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go take a nice shower." Simone left. Kale shook his head with worry and walked downstairs. Suddenly, a large thumping noise was heard from the distance. The large amount of people at the buffet jumped in shock. The large sound became closer and closer until it stopped. Someone knocked on the door loud.

"Who the hell is it?!" One of the workers yelled as he got up to the door, "This place is already closed for a family!" Once the worker opened the door, everything went like a blur. A giant, pale finger went through the doorway, knocking the worker into a coma. The finger curled up Kale gently and carried him outside when the large, Jamaican man came face to face to the biggest mouth he'd ever seen.

"Excuse me, do you know where Mr. Simone Parker is?" The giant said.

"He's taking a shower," Kale replied.

"And what blood type is he?"

Kale was dumbstruck. Why would this strange giant man ask for his boss's blood type? "It's Type O Positive, Mr-?"

"Taro... Mmmmm, I love O Positive," Taro sighed dreamily and he put Kale down to the ground besides him, "Now, you stay here."

"Why?" The man asked. That's when he got his answer. Just at that moment, Taro sat down in front of the buffet building. Cracking his knuckles, Taro grabbed the building with his two big hands and opened his mouth wide, biting at the big building like it was a giant apple. Masculine screams were heard as Taro was gulping down tons of bricks, food, and people. After what seemed to be five minutes, Taro was already finished with his giant buffet building meal. Then, Simone came out of the shower.

"Okay, who's the wise guy that made the water- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Simone yelled that his business was gone, "Who destroyed my Resteraunt!?" At that moment, Simone was picked up by a giant hand. Soon, he saw giant, hungry red eyes glaring at him.

"So, would you like to repeat what you just said on the phone with me?" Taro asked, menacingly.

"That was you on the phone!?" Simone exclaimed in shock. Taro ignored him.

"No one makes fun of my family and gets away with it!" Taro growled with anger as he opened his mouth wide. Simone screamed with terror in his face. Taro bit on the small man's chest and body hard. Blood spurted out into Taro's big cheeks and hands. He then ate his newly dead victim whole without saying a word. Kale looked like he was about to purge at the gruesome sight. Noticing the blood on his fingers, Taro innocently licked his fingers off clean, then hiccuped as if nothing had happened. He then noticed Kale still staring at him.

"I'm sorry, sir. Whenever I get sexually arroused with my pregnant wife, I go blood-thristy and my appetite gets bigger than my stomach. I'm usually not like this..." Taro explained. Kale nodded.

"Don't worry, after everything I've seen, I'd believe on anything. So how did my boss taste?"

"Not as good as my wife's blood, but it's like fake sweetened. Anyway, I must be going. I need some "alone time" with my queen and princess." Taro growled, patted his swollen stomach, got up and left the now empty area in shambles. Kale was speechless after that.