Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/10 | Reply
Naw don't worry! I looked at you pic on your world. I think I'll do an okay job. I should be done in a couple days. Having some difficulty with Ed's hair. -_-' Silly silly ed.
Alright! I totally accept! XD (sorry if I don't draw you right though ^^')
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/10 | Reply
Naw don't worry! I looked at you pic on your world. I think I'll do an okay job. I should be done in a couple days. Having some difficulty with Ed's hair. -_-' Silly silly ed.
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/10 | Reply
Alright! I totally accept! XD (sorry if I don't draw you right though ^^')
Last edited by Nino Umaka at 1:10:57 AM EDT on May 8, 2010.