Welcome to my AMV World. I personally find AMVs very fun to watch, and well, I set this up to post the videos I think are among the best out there.


1. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music but I do tend to prefer the heavier
stuff like metal, rock, industrial, etc. So just know that I might get bias
and before you know it, the majority of my videos may have heavy sounding
music. I focus more on the overall quality of the video, so this probably
won't happen but there is a chance it might.

2. (Spoiler Alert) Some of the videos, in fact most of them, will show you parts
of a series that you shouldn't see for the first time on an AMV instead of
the actual series, because it will ruin the experience. Especially if the
show is one the greats of anime and you plan on watching it.

Well, since that's out of the way, Enjoy the Show! =)

How the Gods Kill

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't seen this series but plan to, DO NOT watch this video. NUDITY WARNING: As with the last one, this one has nudity in it but nothing along the lines of intentional indecency, just the context of the anime.

Berserk Overload I know. And I have two pieces of fanart due shortly. I'm in a very big Berserk mood.

The song is How the Gods Kill by Danzig. So perfect for Berserk, it's not even funny. This one does a better job of capturing the desperately tragic theme of this part of the story. The insanely desperate kind of tragedy that makes you wanna uncontrollably claw at the screen like a heart broken maniac for the loss of main characters you've grown quite fond of. (JUDEAU!!! T_T) Even Guts and Caska. They may have "survived" but they might as well have died because they are just not the same after The Eclipse. ;____; At least that's how me and my cousin felt after finishing the anime. What a mind job.
