Heartstop = Nomad's death from laughing

Ok. Like, everything Heart says makes me laugh. I don't know why. It's just that crazy sense of humour. That's the way my mind works, but I don't convey it on here because I never have the words or timing to voice it. Heart does =3. This post is a mixture of stuff that Heart said just this morning in the chat. I found it funny as hell, let's see if you do too. =3

Let's see, first is loligator. loligators are awesome. Period.

Next are the puppy-dog-eyed-alligators. Heart saw a picture of an alligator and said it made her "AWW" and her friend asked how it made her "AWW" and she said how can you not with it's puppy dog eyes...

Heart's bear story. Just.. read it. I was in the Lobby when Heart came in spewing hyperness and telling everyone about her adventure with the bear. And now... she hugged the bear to death and it's now in the sky. She misses the cute bear.

Quote: " >:O fear stupidness it might cause rofl sickness "

I sent Heart a gift (the bow and arrow) for surviving the bear attack and she named it "the bowy of bearnessess".

Quote: " We the cheechee and bear hugger gang >:O "

Heart made a song about my name. I don't know why or how. But she did.
(extended version roflcopter)
"Nom nom DE mon Nom nom DE MON
call it as you can
call it as you can
it's still
nom nom de MON
nom nom de MON
no matter how you call it
no matter how you say it
it's still
nom nom de MON
nom nom de MON"

"xD omg i am singing it
i am seriously singing it now
it sounds epic"

Then the last one that caught me was when Chee, ree and Heart were all getting ready to leave. (The chat log has been amended a tad bit to clear out the clutter of others talking, but all the important stuff is there)

Heartstop: ok time for epic leave sence
Heartstop: chee wait for the final single
Chee Roxs opens the door
Chee Roxs: D:
Heartstop takes chee on shoulders
Heartstop rose pettles fall
Heartstop waves like a prince charming xD
Heartstop then sees a bear outside the Door.....
Chee Roxs looks up then looks at hearty
Heartstop RUns OUT DOOR and chee hits the door and falls
Chee Roxs watches hearty run after it
Chee Roxs faceplants the ground
Heartstop: The end
Heartstop: :D
Chee Roxs gets up and grabs ree ree's hand then walks out after hearty and poofs
Nomad claps
Chee Roxs: i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heartstop: xD ty ty you were a great audience
Chee Roxs left the room. (Logged out)
EoAA left the room. (Logged out)
Heartstop: Farewell now i must catch the bear :3
Nomad lol
Heartstop left the room. (Logged out)
