Well, here's two sketches of things I'm planning on finishing soon. The one on the right is a prize for a winner from my contest, and the on left is an entry for a contest on Deviantart. I hope you guys enjoy these! Just thought I needed to update something.... ^^"

I was taking a shower today and had the sudden urge to do a Zatch bell meme, so here it is!
P.S. I had to resize it to theO requirements, so it's kinda....stretched...and squished.... Here's a link to the original sized version! LINK :3

I'm not sure how many of you actually know who this character is.... o3o So I'm gonna tell you! He's one of the main character from the french cartoon Code Lyoko. Lately I've been watching it again, and Odd is still my favorite character. Oh yeah! And since I can now draw sorta I decided to do a picture of him. I'm planning on coloring it some time this week (hopefully today). So I hope you enjoy this for now!

This is what I've been working on for the past couple days. It's the first time I've attempted cell-shading, so don't judge too harshly. I know I've still got to fix up a whole bunch of stuff, so give it a day or two more! >3<'
You'll probably recognize these two from my recent deviation. It's the same two characters, Ryan and Gil. This is actually a scene out of my story. You'll see what Gil's saying when I actually finish it.
Everything is drawn by me (yes even the bricks). Hope you're all doing well! I'll try to draw more I promise! >.<'
P.S. Please tell me what you think so far, and give tips that will make it better!

So, I had a bum awful day today, so I decided I needed to draw something that makes me happy. Lately one of the things that's made me happy has been this character, Bendi created by Chibi-Rinku in DA. I just recently saw THIS and just immediately fell in love with the character! Sooo....yeah....well, I'm just not in the mood to write more so that's all.