You're free to color this if you want, but please give me proper credit if you upload it again and you MUST keep my sig on the picture.
Bigger version
I rock at titles *shot*
Might as well post the one thing that I've drawn is worthy enough to been seen by others. This is my OC Ryan. It's been a while since I've posted OCs right? Well anyway, this started out as I just wanted to draw a head at 3/4ish view and it turned into him. I'm thinking that I'll be using this to practice coloring techniques. See if I can find a way of lining that I like. We'll see what happens.
This is what I've been working on for the past couple days. It's the first time I've attempted cell-shading, so don't judge too harshly. I know I've still got to fix up a whole bunch of stuff, so give it a day or two more! >3<'
You'll probably recognize these two from my recent deviation. It's the same two characters, Ryan and Gil. This is actually a scene out of my story. You'll see what Gil's saying when I actually finish it.
Everything is drawn by me (yes even the bricks). Hope you're all doing well! I'll try to draw more I promise! >.<'
P.S. Please tell me what you think so far, and give tips that will make it better!