Please do not be shy.
- Created By Estheryuki
My Envy sweetheart.
Throwing around ideas for that Persona challenge :)
here's the one that's closest.
oh er um yeah.
I don't know or can't even admit why I'm doing this...
this is a collection of a fairly recent images of me...notice how I'm alone. LOL I am a lonerface noob.
That's one reason. Another is that I've been not hanging out with my exbf's crew lately. I'm a recluse, in other words. At least these days.
As I look at this picture, all I can think is....damn I can see the progression of fat accumulating in my cheeks. Looking like an effing chipmunk or whatever lol oh well.
I feel like a conceited dousche for posting this, so I'll probably delete later.
you can't see it well, but on the first picture, I cut/messed the crap out of my own hair...
one day I took some scissors in my room, went to the bathroom and cut my bangs and sides of my hair. I probably looked like a crazy person then. It was just....spontaneous. I'm just glad that's fixed.
Persona Challenge
Well so I was doodling stuff after looking at the Bearsona challenge and its examples. I notice that my shadow selvs always have huge eyes (usually only one) and always are mixed in with envy. They seem to share that skinny (too skinny with bones protruding) look and disproportionate hands. One of them is even pregnant...with a demon in a cage.
I wish I can show you guys. But my scanner is acting up.
One of my shadow thing even has a human leg...enveloped in some kind of hookerwear.
that doesn't sound classy.'s a doodled picture of sebassy and cielruu because lately I've been reading yaoi on them lolla.
I need to vent....some ideas.
don't mind me, I just am making a list of what I would/should draw, for future reference
-distorted disney characters/princesses/princes/supporting roles
-villain X disney princess. because sometimes the villains only want love.
-personify the seven sins (please finish this)
My Little Pony day
ummm when I think of MLP, I just think of Ferbie.
that's what came to mind after remembering some MLP commercials I saw back in like...1996. ohIdanno.