Manga and anime are a big part of me. I read and watch a lot. Because of this, I've decided that I like to tell people about the anime I watch and the manga I read. And so spawned this phase of Obsession is My Getaway.

The posts that come in the future will be reccomendations or things that I found interesting in different anime or manga. If you wish, you can read and I'll do my best to stay objective on a personal standard and give you the whats-what of things that I've watched.


Ahhh!! Anime Convention.

Ahh! It's time. The anime convention is here. And I'm flipping out. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's anime, or because Vic is coming, or because I'm just getting over Mono, but I'm excited. But I'm doodling as I'm typing this and I'm crazy hyper.

I don't know what it is about conventions that make me crazy, but I like it. I'm going tomorrow. All day hopefully. I can't wait.

Other than convention madness, I'm doing slightly better. For those of you who don't know, I had/have Mono. It sucks. I went to the ER last Wednesday and have been out of school for over a week. But I'm feeling lots better. *lying* *whisper* I just want to go to the con. *whisper*

So, yeah, that's my life in a nut-shell right now. *shrugs* I best be going.

