Hey there. This is kind of my first stab at this, so don’t kill me if you hate it. To start off this story, let me tell you, I’m a devout Christian, and an anime fan. That’s were this whole story originates.
It all started about two weeks ago. It was my friend’s birthday and I wanted to give her an Envy [from FullMetal Alchemist] figurine, because she’s in love with him. So I bought one online and it came in the mail in its foam peanut heaven.

Now I’m sure we all know about Envy and his little miniskirt/halter top get up, and my parents, I’ll admit, were skeptical when they saw it come out of the cardboard box. Now, get this too, my parents are Christians and they believe in keeping your mind away from nonmarital sex, rape, etcetera, etcetera. And, yes, I know what you’re thinking: ‘Oh, that’s everywhere!’ That excuse didn’t help when it came to convincing my parents.
So I gave said figurine to said friend. Her parents naturally thought it was a girl, then freaked out when they found out it was a guy. Her mom threw it away. Isn’t that so dumb? You don’t just throw away someone’s present! That just pissed me off. But back to the subject at hand. Our parents had a little talk when my mom came to pick me up.
So now, said friend and I are having a little anime hiatus. In other words, our parents grounded us from anime until they become “more educated” on it. Which will happen never. Because our parents are too prejudiced to watch any of it and too “busy” to look it up on the internet, which I’m kind of glad for… Sometimes people are dumb on the internet…
Anyways… So this probably means we aren’t going to what would have been the greatest anime convention ever. [Vic Mignogna is coming to Animazement this year.] And we’ll probably never be able to watch anime until we’re eighteen. So for this very reason, I warn you: Don’t give anyone an Envy figurine if you don’t want to get grounded from anime until you’re an adult.
That wasn’t really my point in typing this whole thing. The words Christian and Otaku don’t go to well with people when you talk to them about it out of context. I don’t think that my parents fully understand that there’s more to anime than girls with boobs. What they don’t get is that sometimes in certain circumstances, in certain contexts that need to be viewed, anime isn’t that bad.
I’m only fourteen and I know that I need to make sure that I’m not getting crap loaded into my brain. I’m not that stupid. I can discern what’s good and what’s not. I think for those of you Christian Otakus out there, I know what you’re going through. It is tough, but understand that there are others out there that know what’s going through your head. [Not to sound like a stalker or anything…] So there’s my spiel.