Silently, the portal of the WORLD closes behind you. You now appear to be in a lobby with painted purple, green, and white walls. You noticed a desk further ahead of you. A girl was sitting there, smiling.
"Is this the WORLD where Obscure Dream holds her contests?" You ask, walking up to her.
"Yep!" She says, shortly clearing her throat after ward.
"Welcome to my contest world! Every now and then I hold a contest. But now with school in play, I can not hold any until winter, spring, and/or summer breaks. Please check back later for one! Also-" She motioned her hand towards a rather large sign beside her desk. "-if you would like to see the last contest's winners, click here to view it."
I'm pretty sure there's no point in posting this as I'm pretty sure every one knows who the winners are, lol. xD
But I will anyway, to be professional.
Coloring Contest
Winner : Erstin314 !

Drawing Contest
Winner : foxfireburn !

Congrats, you two! 
Lol even if there were more contestants, I'm certain you two would have won first place anyway. Both of you did such lovely, outstanding work! *w* Thank you!
Both Erstin314 and foxfireburn shall receive:
- TWO regular arts of their OC or any anime/manga character,
- TWO chibi arts of their OC or any anime/manga character,
- and ONE gift.
Please send your winning requests via a message or a comment here.
Also, let me know which gift you'd like me to send.
Please note that I have school, so it may take a while to get prizes done.
Note: I will not hold any more contests until winter, spring, and/or summer break. It turned out to be too hard to keep up with my contest world with school nagging me.
Thank you! xoxo
There's only four days and two entries.
C'mon, guys. =A=;
Hey everyone; sorry for making the contest so long, but I feel it's for the best. A lot of us have school starting last and this month, so it will be more difficult for people to get entries in.
I've been quite busy myself, which explains why I have not been very active on the site. Now that I'm starting to get into my new school-involved schedule's groove, I'll try to be more participative.
I had sent in a request to the Contests world to advertise my contest, but apparently with what's been going on, they didn't receive it. I'll send another in today so that we could possibly get more entries in. It wouldn't be that much fun with just the two of you, Erstin and Fox, would it? ;P
By the way, I've increased the number of prizes since the amount of time given is a lot.
Once again, sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you guys have a wonderful week!
I have only two entries turned in to me and the deadline is drawing very near.
With the Contests World seemingly coming back to life, I will extend the deadline to September 30th.
Due to the large amount of time I keep giving, I'll increase the prizes I'm giving.
P.S. Sorry I haven't been very active lately; school has me VERY busy. 
Hopefully next week I'll be able to get in tune with my new schedule and be able to update more often.
I'll place all of the entries here for a quick reference.
But after every three entries I get, I'll make a post with them to keep contestants up-to-date. C:
- Erstin314's Coloring Entry
- foxfireburn's Fan Art Entry
If you're interested in joining, please comment here. I need to know who's interested so I can subscribe to you and watch for your entry. ;U This is so I don't miss any entries.
If you do not see your entry here and you've had it up for two or three days, please PM me and make sure I've found it. C: