Silently, the portal of the WORLD closes behind you. You now appear to be in a lobby with painted purple, green, and white walls. You noticed a desk further ahead of you. A girl was sitting there, smiling.

"Is this the WORLD where Obscure Dream holds her contests?" You ask, walking up to her.

"Yep!" She says, shortly clearing her throat after ward.

"Welcome to my contest world! Every now and then I hold a contest. But now with school in play, I can not hold any until winter, spring, and/or summer breaks. Please check back later for one! Also-" She motioned her hand towards a rather large sign beside her desk. "-if you would like to see the last contest's winners, click here to view it."

REMINDER: Only 4 Days Left!

There's only four days and two entries.
C'mon, guys. =A=;
