I may not be familiar with the guy, but it was still fun. ^_^ So thank you Adam for arranging it and thank you Beth for saving and posting the chat for everyone.
I told him you said hi and that you thought he was a superbly awesome voice actor. I kept my promise! :D That was a truely wonderful experience, Adam-sama! He even chatted to me! *fanspasm* We need to have celebrity interviews more often! *hugs staff* Very fun!
That was great. I definitely had some fun there. I didn't want to leave as early as I did, but I had to watch Blazing Saddles. Not that I'm complaining. Anyway, I suppose we can expect more of this kind of thing down the line, Bossman?
P.S. -I really should have stated this directly in my question during the chat, but for those who don't know, here's the rumor I heard in full: Viz's dub of Bleach might end after the Bount arc because apparently Viz doesn't feel that the series is getting enough fan support. So Kyle was right folks, buy those DVD's. You don't want your favorite series featuring a guy named after a fruit to end on a filler, do you?
awesome. I mean, I'm sad I missed it, but hopefully since this went well we will be having guests in the future??? I'd do my best not to miss! (read the whole thing, too). Thanks for your hard work Adam!
woah! i cant belive i missed it adam!!! [read the whole thing !]
T.T i was such a big fan of his work[im a fan girl of most of the charecters he's played !!!!]
i looks like it whent well wow if only i was their XD i would have tons of questions lol
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I thought of Private Messaging, but just signed his GB instead XD
aw, I wanted to read the after modding part cause that went by waaay too fast XD oh well.
Thank you so much for putting this up so I can remember the evening always!!! (when I tried to save, I cleared it insted o.O)
Also, awesome job Adam for monitoring the chat. I still laugh that I didn't think of the Private messaging first-
I'm getting either old or slow or both.
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/26/08 | Reply
i missed it...it looked so fun...waaa....
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/26/08 | Reply
That sounds like a lot of fun xD Great ending as well. Too bad I couldn't be there at the time - I was on vacation ^^
Thanks for putting this up! ;)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/26/08 | Reply
It was fun to be a part of that chat. ^_^ I hope we have more of them in the future. It was insane and fun to see so many people in the same room.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Ohmigosh didn't Know He did the voice of Kamina
Otaku Archangel | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I may not be familiar with the guy, but it was still fun. ^_^ So thank you Adam for arranging it and thank you Beth for saving and posting the chat for everyone.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I told him you said hi and that you thought he was a superbly awesome voice actor. I kept my promise! :D That was a truely wonderful experience, Adam-sama! He even chatted to me! *fanspasm* We need to have celebrity interviews more often! *hugs staff* Very fun!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Last night was awesome i hope we get more events like this Thanks Adam
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I'm happy to know that so many people there!
Even though I wasn't there, it was wonderful having Kyle Hebert as our guest. =D
The crazy bubbly shadow
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
That was great. I definitely had some fun there. I didn't want to leave as early as I did, but I had to watch Blazing Saddles. Not that I'm complaining. Anyway, I suppose we can expect more of this kind of thing down the line, Bossman?
P.S. -I really should have stated this directly in my question during the chat, but for those who don't know, here's the rumor I heard in full: Viz's dub of Bleach might end after the Bount arc because apparently Viz doesn't feel that the series is getting enough fan support. So Kyle was right folks, buy those DVD's. You don't want your favorite series featuring a guy named after a fruit to end on a filler, do you?
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
awesome. I mean, I'm sad I missed it, but hopefully since this went well we will be having guests in the future??? I'd do my best not to miss! (read the whole thing, too). Thanks for your hard work Adam!
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
woah! i cant belive i missed it adam!!! [read the whole thing !]
T.T i was such a big fan of his work[im a fan girl of most of the charecters he's played !!!!]
i looks like it whent well wow if only i was their XD i would have tons of questions lol
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Yep, that was so much fun!
That was totally worth waiting in a crowded chatroom! 
Ochibi~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Haha that was so much fun. The mingling sessions were crazy XD SO much text D8 lol...
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Thanks for posting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't aloud to be up that late..........
This site rocks!
This just topped it off!!!!!!!!
Great Job Adam!!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
^^ lol! I loved last night!It was awesome!
Great job with Adam for keeping it organized.
^^ and thank you to those who saved the chat last night. :3
Hero of Thyme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Tis a shame I couldn't be there =[
But still nice I got to see how the chat went ^^ Still think it's cool you were able to get him to do this BossMan. You rock!
~Colleen the Great~X_X
Bubblegum'd! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
NOOO! I missed it! I was up till 9:00 PM and I fell asleep. Atleast I got to see what they talked about! Thanks Adam.
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I feel awful I missed it. I bet it would have been fun. Looking forward to another session.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
wow i love it. thanks again adam your awesome XD
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
kaboooom!! epic way to end :3
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
I thought of Private Messaging, but just signed his GB instead XD
aw, I wanted to read the after modding part cause that went by waaay too fast XD oh well.
Thank you so much for putting this up so I can remember the evening always!!! (when I tried to save, I cleared it insted o.O)
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/08 | Reply
Great ending- haha 2 thumbs up.
Good job Beth.
Also, awesome job Adam for monitoring the chat. I still laugh that I didn't think of the Private messaging first-
I'm getting either old or slow or both.