Yeah, I've been wondering as well. It's been a long time, and no word has been posted yet about the angels! ^^;; Let's try our best though! :) And a good question...cause sometimes it isn't possible to be on the site at all times.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/26/09 | Reply
I haven't seen any angels around or heard of them in the promotions, is this program still going? If so... >.> <.< I guess I would like to apply to be an angel because I have a world dedicated to helping others, and this past month (since the New Member intros have started) I have been helping a lot of members anyway ^^;;; Just one thing...if there is ever a time that I need be inactive on TheO (sacreligious, I know -_- but who knows when the real world will strike?) will I go back to Legend if I loose my angel status?
This sounds like an amazing idea~!^o^
Well, I would like to nominate aragorn1014, RSRKingdomStars, innocent heart, MagicRinger and DectectiveDiva18 for the Otaku Angel title. They really ARE angels~! They've been so inspiring and helpful and waaay too kind to me while I've been on theO, as well as others. It's surprising, really, how angelic they are^ ^
Thank you so much~!^ ^
And congratulations to the members of theOtaku that will recieve this title~!^O^
Last edited by fire.freak at 11:26:27 AM EST on January 28, 2009.
That's a really sweet idea! ^_^ I'd like to nominate innocent heart, Angel Zakuro, chibi-anna-chan, and Sakura Kokoro. They're all such sweethearts and I know they'd make lovely angels!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
A new title? It sounds like a great idea!! ^^ It's definitely a feature that I'm sure will inspire people to be more dedicated to the site and more helpful to other members of the community~
I would like to nominate RSRKingdomstars, Innocent Heart, MewMewPudding, FUNimation and Fire.Freak for a chance at receiving this amazing title ^^ All of them are very supportive, dedicated to the site, positive, and helpful to those around them. I think that they'd do an incredible job at representing us as well.
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I really think this should be something for Legends instead of Seniors because getting to become a senior isn't to hard plus Legends have been here a bit longer. But either way I guess what is done is done. I would like to nominate mewmewlover55, somegirl, and even though I am doubtful, I would love to be able to volunteer myself. Mewmewlover55 and somegirl are some of the best qualified members on here and are very sweet girls plus they are legends so I think they would do a fine job at representing our community.
*blinks* we will look through every comment you've ever posted
ohh that's going to help the schizophrenic's out there *twitch* xDDDDD
just kidding though this Otaku angel sounds really really cute ^_^
I would really love to try for this! I think this maybe something I actually can do lol
I nominate Sesshy as well ^_^ she always helps me and is a great friend.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I would like to nominate aragorn1014, RSRKingdomStars, and innocent heart.
they are really amazing people, and I want to reconize them for that. ^^
There are a lot of awesome people out there, but I think I'll just nominate these three since I don't want to end up nominating 10 or more people. ^^""
Congratulations in advance to all of those who are able to recieve this awesome title! ;D
Hmm, I guess, since I can't remember ever posting a mean comment, or getting in trouble. So I raise my hand to be screened for an Angel! ^^ (what do I have to lose? ><)
Oh, I nominate SerpahimAdrift to be an angel. She is hands down THE nicest person I've ever met, real world and on here! She totally deserves the title! ^^
Oh wow! That's really cool. So that's why Sabrina has a different title now. XD I'm too new for this, and I still have a lot to learn. ^^ But I'll work on learning more about the site.
^^' ooh gosh. i would love to volunteer! i just hope my record is clean. I dont think I made a negative comment about anyone on TheO, but i wouldnt remember. i posted A LOT.
also, i nominate chokolatealkemist, if she's still around. a lot of my past encouragement came from her.
Tveiter Tot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I'm not a Senior yet, so I can't nominate myself.
So, I nominate Squee-Neji, Iruka Sensei, and i.luv.kiba. These three are the some of the nicest people i have ever met on the internet. They have always been so kind to me, helped me out when i needed it, and cheered me up when I was feeling down. I feel that these three would all make great Angels.
I'd like to nominate my dear friend, innocent heart. ^o^
She's the sweetest person I have ever met on TheOtaku and I know she'd be able to be kind and helpful to any and all members here. :]
I would like to apply to be an Otaku Angel-I am an Otaku Senior and enjoy creating and publishing wallpapers. :) please consider me thank you very much :)
this is a wonderful idea.
I have the best most positive, kind, and helpful friend who I would like you to concider her to be an angel.
I nominate innocent heart to be an otaku angel! ^^
This is truly an amazing idea! It will help promote good behavior and more courtesy comments. Resulting in a more unified and brilliant site to be a member of! It's just simply BRILLIANT!
Okay, okay. I have to nominate Yosei-chan. TheDarkAngel, man. He's got a clean slate, he's a Senior Otaku, he's on here often (I actually just wrestled this computer away from him XD). He's also given a lot of expert advice for the members here. Check him out. He helps me out at The Ethereal Host Brigade, a site dedicated to helping TheOtaku members, and his advice has been taken often. He's a positive role-model, usually. Hah hah, he can get crazy around certain people, but they all know it's out of love. He's highly responsible and dependable. Give him a chance! I nominate Yosei!
Yay! You came on to see this!! (did you see my text about it?? You haven't replied all weekend, lol) *hugs* ^__^ You would make such a wonderful angel. <33 And thanks for nominating me...but you really would be better. This is your calling. >__< *huggles* Yay! I hope you become one. That's good you sent her a message, too!!
You'll have to keep a diary of what you're doing and report in at least once a month
I would love to volunteer... but this sort of threw me off... ^_^
Ah, never mind the title... I can still do my part with or without the angel rank. XD
-Reminds me now of the Otaku Guardians ages back...
This is such a great idea! I have already messaged Sabrina to be a Otaku Angel and I hope I get approved. Its not so much as the title that I love, I mean I do, but its just the opportunity to be able to help people. I want to be a counselor someday so helping people is one of my favorite things to do! So thank you for making such a great status and I hope I can be one!
I nominate Kittenlark, aragorn 1014, sesshy.uber.rad, Angel Zakuro, and chibi-anna-chan. They are amazing people who have the sweetest, most helpful hearts on here. Also, they leave the most positive, sweetest comments.
Last edited by innocent heart at 9:33:00 PM EST on January 25, 2009.
*is blinded by shining new title* so much power...... hah i'm probably never gonna get there... i is still an otakuite plusplus! and i call sage old lady from time to time......>>
but i nominate sage. tho she already nominated herself ^^ shes awesome and very helpful. never heard a mean or discourteous thing outta her. even when i call her old lady in chat in a joking loving friendly manner....
If it's okay, Rishi would like to help out, too. Rishi'll do anything to give back the TheOtaku. Rishi may act like an idiot, but Rishi's pretty sure she'll be able to help in a mature and helpful-ish way.
Squee-Neji'd make a good Angel, too.
~Rishi, teh genki girl~
Last edited by KoInu kyan at 6:16:16 PM EST on January 25, 2009.
I'd like to volunteer myself, I think my record is ok, and I try to be helpful and friendly. I'm often on here, so at least i'll be contactable!
But I want to nominate a few people before myself.
Angel Zakuro, innocent heart, and kittenlark. Because they ARE angels, although they may not yet have the title ^^ I know Meg (innocent heart) has been away for a bit due to school... But she deserves the angel title SOOO much!
Oh, and Timechaser, because he lent me his shoe for internet thwacking purposes XD ... And Shinmaru, he's a helpful dude. Dunno if they want to be angels, but they have both been here for a while.
Last edited by chibi-anna-chan at 8:35:21 PM EST on January 26, 2009.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
This sounds great, it would be a great honour if I would receive the title of Otaku Angel!! I think I fit the requirements...:3
I have one question though - how does that diary thing work?^^; Like, you have to keep a diary of everything you do at the Otaku or something?:3333
Haha...I would totally go for it, if it weren't for the rank thing. Though even if I was Senior Otaku I'd probably get nailed for the inactivity thing.
But I just had an awesome idea. How about once you get the Angel title, you get wings? Um, like how you have a cupcake next to your username if you're Premium, only with wings if you're an Angel. And the higher the Angel rank the more the awesome wings become....just a thought. ^_^
It sounds like a cute idea to me. It reminds me a lot of something I saw going on on another site I visit. It comes in handy to have extra helpers around.
I'd like to put my name down for it I guess, but I don't know whether I'd be considered or not. I mean, afterall, I do help out a heck of a lot of people (In chat a lot of the time.) as it is, so...
I'm not sure i qualify but i'd love to volunteer~! n___n dunno if i'm much help but i'll give it my best!! and and and i wanna nominate innocent heart!! shes a really sweet person and i think she'll be a great angel~ ^^
I also wanted to nominate kittenlark and innocent heart. >_< They're the sweetest people in the WHOLE freaking otaku world!! I just think that they wouldn't be able to do it because of the inactivity thing, since Meg has been really busy, and she doesn't always get on...if there wasn't the part about that, then she would be PERFECT.
Interesting...I know I'd never be able to qualify as an Otaku Angel, considering the obvious fact I'm not a Senior Otaku yet and I apparently left a bad reply or two to someone on here...because they flamed me....
There are plenty people here I know would make wonderful angels, and I know I'm not one of them. I think, as much as they need to be wonderful, they'll have had to prove their dedication to the site as well.
I would love to apply... However, I think the first day I joinedI had a bad time, not looking at the rules... I know I haven't left a negative comment though ( I hope) my memories not too good. BUt I would love to help people just introduced to this amazing temple of Otakuness
You know...I don't even remember what I did as an long ago. But I don't remember posting anything negative. :< I know I posted a lot though. XD Have fun looking through it all!
Record is spot clean as far as I'm aware.
And I've helped a few new otakuites figure out the submission system. Plus more. Which I'm sure you'll see if you look through all my comments.
As for nominations...I would nominate Tenshinoshino but I don't know his rank. Either way, if he's not a senior yet I nominate him the moment he is. He's the very definition of friendly and helpful. :)
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
The idea sounds appealing. And it's a good way to motivate more people to get involved by addressing any questions and welcoming new people. ^^ Good way of promoting the whole idea of "community" we're supposed to have here.
If being a registered member for five and a half years (lurker for much longer), being an Otaku Legend for three of those, doing stupid things and learning from them, and growing up around the site means anything...
I think...I'll probably volunteer, lol. Angel has been a part of my username forever here. XD And I'm told that I'm like one!! I love helping people out, and somehow new people gravitate towards me and message me about how to do things. I don't know how they find me, but I guess that's a good thing. ^_^ This is a really great idea you guys have!! So let me know if I'm ok for it. <3 I feel like all of my comments are about trying to help others it wouldn't be too hard for me to do...I would just have to remember to "report in".
P.S. How would the new members find out about the angels? Or would we have to search out the new members and greet/ask them ourselves?
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 12:03:50 AM EST on January 25, 2009.
The journal bit is really just bullet points instead of a detailed day to day diary. If it helps you'd be writing something up once a week that would be similar to this:
Answered two questions.
Welcomed three new members.
You'd include the date for each week and then once a month you'd send me that in an e-mail. Specifics aren't required, it's more to make sure people are active.
I'll have other means to keep track of that as well since I can review comments for the past month as well.
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
Well, due to conditions two and three it looks like I will be incapable of reaching angelic status. Oh, the perils of been young and stupid.
At any rate, I would like to take this opportunity to nominate cosmicsailor. Out of all the friends I have made on this site, he would be the most qualified for such a position. Unquestionable integrity and all.
wow i would realy like to be one!!!
i have a good record except for the one time the auto chat box mod kiked me for flooding ...though it wasent my folt T.T
lol if you would like to look through my coments then go a head XD i wright so much hopefully it wont kill you XD
man you can count on me to be active!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/19/10 | Reply
I might try for it. Maybe... I guess I will for now.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/31/09 | Reply
I think I've had a pretty good streak.. Can I be an Otaku Angel?^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/31/09 | Reply
This seems really interesting, but just what do they do?
[pffff i'm no Otaku angel lol]
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/09 | Reply
Hmm. I do believe this idea was abandoned.......unfortunately.
Full of intestines (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Just curious... was this idea abandoned?
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/26/09 | Reply
Yeah, I've been wondering as well. It's been a long time, and no word has been posted yet about the angels! ^^;; Let's try our best though! :) And a good question...cause sometimes it isn't possible to be on the site at all times.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 02/26/09 | Reply
I haven't seen any angels around or heard of them in the promotions, is this program still going? If so... >.> <.< I guess I would like to apply to be an angel because I have a world dedicated to helping others, and this past month (since the New Member intros have started) I have been helping a lot of members anyway ^^;;; Just one thing...if there is ever a time that I need be inactive on TheO (sacreligious, I know -_- but who knows when the real world will strike?) will I go back to Legend if I loose my angel status?
The Thief Kuronue
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/31/09 | Reply
I'm interested in this. I already help out whenever I can. I'm actually tutoring zoomzoom - a new otakuite about TheOtaku already.
Razing Phoenix
Rising from Ashes (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
@Mad Hatter Belia:
Ah, I nominate her too! Go Sera-chan!
Neko Nana Mode
Cure Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
Nana nominates Angel Zakuro. Cause she is a sweety
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/29/09 | Reply
hahaha. You're amazing. See? That's why I mess with you so.
Aaaaw. Poor Jackie.
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
that sounds like fun!! i also nominate teapot domescan, and smexy kazekage ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/28/09 | Reply
This sounds like an amazing idea~!^o^
Well, I would like to nominate aragorn1014, RSRKingdomStars, innocent heart, MagicRinger and DectectiveDiva18 for the Otaku Angel title. They really ARE angels~! They've been so inspiring and helpful and waaay too kind to me while I've been on theO, as well as others. It's surprising, really, how angelic they are^ ^
Thank you so much~!^ ^
And congratulations to the members of theOtaku that will recieve this title~!^O^
Last edited by fire.freak at 11:26:27 AM EST on January 28, 2009.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
. . .
*makes futile gesture*
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
That's a really sweet idea! ^_^ I'd like to nominate innocent heart, Angel Zakuro, chibi-anna-chan, and Sakura Kokoro. They're all such sweethearts and I know they'd make lovely angels!
Have a great day!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
A new title? It sounds like a great idea!! ^^ It's definitely a feature that I'm sure will inspire people to be more dedicated to the site and more helpful to other members of the community~
I would like to nominate RSRKingdomstars, Innocent Heart, MewMewPudding, FUNimation and Fire.Freak for a chance at receiving this amazing title ^^ All of them are very supportive, dedicated to the site, positive, and helpful to those around them. I think that they'd do an incredible job at representing us as well.
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I really think this should be something for Legends instead of Seniors because getting to become a senior isn't to hard plus Legends have been here a bit longer. But either way I guess what is done is done. I would like to nominate mewmewlover55, somegirl, and even though I am doubtful, I would love to be able to volunteer myself. Mewmewlover55 and somegirl are some of the best qualified members on here and are very sweet girls plus they are legends so I think they would do a fine job at representing our community.
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Bossman's Wife (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I nominate Sesshy as well ^_^ she always helps me and is a great friend.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I would like to nominate aragorn1014, RSRKingdomStars, and innocent heart.
they are really amazing people, and I want to reconize them for that. ^^
There are a lot of awesome people out there, but I think I'll just nominate these three since I don't want to end up nominating 10 or more people. ^^""
Congratulations in advance to all of those who are able to recieve this awesome title! ;D
have a wonderful day~!
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Hello! I would like to be considered for an Otaku Angel. I believe that I've never have said anything bad or been bad myself. :) Thank you.
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I want to nominate Angel Zakuro, innocent heart, sweetdevil, Mad Hatter Belia, and Sesshy ((if I may~))
They are the sweetest people I know here and they have always been helpful, thank you for your patience with me~~ ♥ ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
I'd nominate TimeChaser because I think he's a splendid choice.
And then I'd nominate Allamorph because he seems to think it would be annoying xP
But, seriously. TimeChaser would be perfect and Alla would be pretty spiffy for it as well.
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
Hmm, I guess, since I can't remember ever posting a mean comment, or getting in trouble. So I raise my hand to be screened for an Angel! ^^ (what do I have to lose? ><)
Oh, I nominate SerpahimAdrift to be an angel. She is hands down THE nicest person I've ever met, real world and on here! She totally deserves the title! ^^
Selene Shri
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
Oh wow!
That's really cool. So that's why Sabrina has a different title now. XD I'm too new for this, and I still have a lot to learn. ^^ But I'll work on learning more about the site. 
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
^^' ooh gosh. i would love to volunteer! i just hope my record is clean. I dont think I made a negative comment about anyone on TheO, but i wouldnt remember. i posted A LOT.
also, i nominate chokolatealkemist, if she's still around. a lot of my past encouragement came from her.
-Balalaika, Carried with the Wind-
Tveiter Tot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I'm not a Senior yet, so I can't nominate myself.
So, I nominate Squee-Neji, Iruka Sensei, and i.luv.kiba. These three are the some of the nicest people i have ever met on the internet. They have always been so kind to me, helped me out when i needed it, and cheered me up when I was feeling down. I feel that these three would all make great Angels.
Good luck to everyone that was nominated!
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
Thank you. ^^
And I'd also like to nominate Katana. ^^ (I know she's put herslef in for it, but I second her decision).
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
Adding onto the vote line for TimeChaser, innocent heart, Angel Zakuro, and kittenlark.
I'd also like to nominate aragorn1014. She's definitely on my "Sweetest People I've Ever Met" list. If I made a list, that is. P:
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I'd like to nominate my dear friend, innocent heart. ^o^
She's the sweetest person I have ever met on TheOtaku and I know she'd be able to be kind and helpful to any and all members here. :]
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I wanna nominate 2 of meh friends, turtle chris and yamchaa.
I hope they have the qualifications.
Thank you.
turtle chris
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I would like to nominate Kittens 3 !!!!
Shes awsome
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
I would like to apply to be an Otaku Angel-I am an Otaku Senior and enjoy creating and publishing wallpapers. :)
please consider me thank you very much :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
this is a wonderful idea.
I have the best most positive, kind, and helpful friend who I would like you to concider her to be an angel.
I nominate innocent heart to be an otaku angel! ^^
Fai no Tenshi
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
This is truly an amazing idea! It will help promote good behavior and more courtesy comments. Resulting in a more unified and brilliant site to be a member of! It's just simply BRILLIANT!
Okay, okay. I have to nominate Yosei-chan. TheDarkAngel, man. He's got a clean slate, he's a Senior Otaku, he's on here often (I actually just wrestled this computer away from him XD). He's also given a lot of expert advice for the members here. Check him out. He helps me out at The Ethereal Host Brigade, a site dedicated to helping TheOtaku members, and his advice has been taken often. He's a positive role-model, usually. Hah hah, he can get crazy around certain people, but they all know it's out of love. He's highly responsible and dependable. Give him a chance! I nominate Yosei!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
@innocent heart:
Yay! You came on to see this!! (did you see my text about it?? You haven't replied all weekend, lol) *hugs* ^__^ You would make such a wonderful angel. <33 And thanks for nominating me...but you really would be better. This is your calling. >__< *huggles* Yay! I hope you become one. That's good you sent her a message, too!!
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
You'll have to keep a diary of what you're doing and report in at least once a month
I would love to volunteer... but this sort of threw me off... ^_^
Ah, never mind the title... I can still do my part with or without the angel rank. XD
-Reminds me now of the Otaku Guardians ages back...
See you around!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
wow that is such a nice idea ^^. I should nominate a few people ^^ Great work! ^^
innocent heart
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
This is such a great idea! I have already messaged Sabrina to be a Otaku Angel and I hope I get approved. Its not so much as the title that I love, I mean I do, but its just the opportunity to be able to help people. I want to be a counselor someday so helping people is one of my favorite things to do! So thank you for making such a great status and I hope I can be one!
I nominate Kittenlark, aragorn 1014, sesshy.uber.rad, Angel Zakuro, and chibi-anna-chan. They are amazing people who have the sweetest, most helpful hearts on here. Also, they leave the most positive, sweetest comments.
Last edited by innocent heart at 9:33:00 PM EST on January 25, 2009.
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
*is blinded by shining new title* so much power...... hah i'm probably never gonna get there... i is still an otakuite plusplus! and i call sage old lady from time to time......>>
but i nominate sage. tho she already nominated herself ^^ shes awesome and very helpful. never heard a mean or discourteous thing outta her. even when i call her old lady in chat in a joking loving friendly manner....
KoInu kyan
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
If it's okay, Rishi would like to help out, too. Rishi'll do anything to give back the TheOtaku. Rishi may act like an idiot, but Rishi's pretty sure she'll be able to help in a mature and helpful-ish way.
Squee-Neji'd make a good Angel, too.
~Rishi, teh genki girl~
Last edited by KoInu kyan at 6:16:16 PM EST on January 25, 2009.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Yeah, I SO agree... Meagan-chan is probably the sweetest person I've met on here...:3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I'd like to volunteer myself, I think my record is ok, and I try to be helpful and friendly. I'm often on here, so at least i'll be contactable!
But I want to nominate a few people before myself.
Angel Zakuro, innocent heart, and kittenlark. Because they ARE angels, although they may not yet have the title ^^ I know Meg (innocent heart) has been away for a bit due to school... But she deserves the angel title SOOO much!
Oh, and Timechaser, because he lent me his shoe for internet thwacking purposes XD ... And Shinmaru, he's a helpful dude. Dunno if they want to be angels, but they have both been here for a while.
Last edited by chibi-anna-chan at 8:35:21 PM EST on January 26, 2009.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
This sounds great, it would be a great honour if I would receive the title of Otaku Angel!!
I think I fit the requirements...:3
I have one question though - how does that diary thing work?^^; Like, you have to keep a diary of everything you do at the Otaku or something?:3333
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
sounds very simple, ok. ^▼^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otaku Archangel | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
What do you mean by "Flawless permanent record"?
I think that's pretty self-explanatory. If someone has a history of flaming members and plagiarism, then that's not a flawless record is it? No.
Last edited by SabrinaM at 4:20:50 PM EST on January 25, 2009.
Otaku Archangel | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
@red kie:
Yes, that's how it will work. Names won't be required, just the basics of what you've done.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Haha...I would totally go for it, if it weren't for the rank thing. Though even if I was Senior Otaku I'd probably get nailed for the inactivity thing.
But I just had an awesome idea. How about once you get the Angel title, you get wings? Um, like how you have a cupcake next to your username if you're Premium, only with wings if you're an Angel. And the higher the Angel rank the more the awesome wings become....just a thought. ^_^
Dark Lord XIII
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
When will The Otaku Devils be formed?
Fembot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
It sounds like a cute idea to me. It reminds me a lot of something I saw going on on another site I visit. It comes in handy to have extra helpers around.
I'd like to put my name down for it I guess, but I don't know whether I'd be considered or not. I mean, afterall, I do help out a heck of a lot of people (In chat a lot of the time.) as it is, so...
Keep up the god work and all that. :)
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
*glomps you* Thanks for the long-distance support. ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I'm not sure i qualify but i'd love to volunteer~! n___n dunno if i'm much help but i'll give it my best!! and and and i wanna nominate innocent heart!! shes a really sweet person and i think she'll be a great angel~ ^^
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I also wanted to nominate kittenlark and innocent heart. >_< They're the sweetest people in the WHOLE freaking otaku world!! I just think that they wouldn't be able to do it because of the inactivity thing, since Meg has been really busy, and she doesn't always get on...if there wasn't the part about that, then she would be PERFECT.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I think Cosmic Sailor would make a great angel too!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Nice Avatar ;D
Hope no one steals it!
*goes onto the actual comment*
What do you mean by "Flawless permanent record"?
You know that someone truly cares when they brick you like that. -AZ
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
@Shi Bum Bumm:
Me too. Haahahaha. :B
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I know someone who would have really deserved this if she hadn't quit. She was the nicest most selfless person I've ever met. ;_;
Guess I can't do this since three of my wallpapers were taken down for reasons unknown to me. And I did once flame back a flamer.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Interesting...I know I'd never be able to qualify as an Otaku Angel, considering the obvious fact I'm not a Senior Otaku yet and I apparently left a bad reply or two to someone on here...because they flamed me....
Neko Kouhai (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I would like to nominate Hiko for this. I know I won't be on this site now if he wasn't always so friendly and supportive all the time. ^^
Love Bug =X3
Team | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
There are plenty people here I know would make wonderful angels, and I know I'm not one of them. I think, as much as they need to be wonderful, they'll have had to prove their dedication to the site as well.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
i would have loved to do this but.....i have left a bad comment or two.....but they were meaner to me.
but if i could've done this i would've!
turtle chris
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I would love to apply... However, I think the first day I joinedI had a bad time, not looking at the rules... I know I haven't left a negative comment though ( I hope) my memories not too good. BUt I would love to help people just introduced to this amazing temple of Otakuness
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
All the way from Vietnam, I second TC's nom. He made the Watercooler, for Luffy's sake!
Sam & Max Ep 305-Sam: One recipie to rule them all and one egg to bind it!
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
You know...I don't even remember what I did as an long ago. But I don't remember posting anything negative. :< I know I posted a lot though. XD Have fun looking through it all!
Record is spot clean as far as I'm aware.
And I've helped a few new otakuites figure out the submission system. Plus more. Which I'm sure you'll see if you look through all my comments.
As for nominations...I would nominate Tenshinoshino but I don't know his rank. Either way, if he's not a senior yet I nominate him the moment he is. He's the very definition of friendly and helpful. :)
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
The idea sounds appealing. And it's a good way to motivate more people to get involved by addressing any questions and welcoming new people. ^^ Good way of promoting the whole idea of "community" we're supposed to have here.
I'll submit myself for consideration.
smoking crimson
Sunrise (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Wow, angels huh? Hmmm... No can do, because of my rank. Ah well. Good luck to the nominees~ Hope we get some angels looking over us.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
I'd like to do two things.
I'd like to volunteer myself. I don't recall any negative comments whatsoever. And I have a sparkly clean slate. So I think I'm good. :]
And two....
I'd like to nominate two people.
-Innocent Heart
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
If being a registered member for five and a half years (lurker for much longer), being an Otaku Legend for three of those, doing stupid things and learning from them, and growing up around the site means anything...
Yeah, I'll take a shot at it.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
so the jornal works bye emailing you our activity? do we have to tell you what membor we greated/ helped?
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
Good luck with this, Bossman.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I think...I'll probably volunteer, lol. Angel has been a part of my username forever here. XD And I'm told that I'm like one!! I love helping people out, and somehow new people gravitate towards me and message me about how to do things. I don't know how they find me, but I guess that's a good thing. ^_^ This is a really great idea you guys have!! So let me know if I'm ok for it. <3 I feel like all of my comments are about trying to help others it wouldn't be too hard for me to do...I would just have to remember to "report in".
P.S. How would the new members find out about the angels? Or would we have to search out the new members and greet/ask them ourselves?
Last edited by Angel Zakuro at 12:03:50 AM EST on January 25, 2009.
Otaku Archangel | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
The journal bit is really just bullet points instead of a detailed day to day diary. If it helps you'd be writing something up once a week that would be similar to this:
You'd include the date for each week and then once a month you'd send me that in an e-mail. Specifics aren't required, it's more to make sure people are active.
I'll have other means to keep track of that as well since I can review comments for the past month as well.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
i wish we could check our permanint record....and you didnt check our past comments. doesnt god give second chances. and forgive? D: (ssg)
Mr Sword
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
Well, due to conditions two and three it looks like I will be incapable of reaching angelic status. Oh, the perils of been young and stupid.
At any rate, I would like to take this opportunity to nominate cosmicsailor. Out of all the friends I have made on this site, he would be the most qualified for such a position. Unquestionable integrity and all.
The Hero of Time (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I volunteer to be an Otaku Angel
I have a great record, I know the site well, and i believe all my comments to be helpful and kind!
People ask me for help anyway and I love cheering people up :)
Last edited by wallpaperotaku at 10:20:44 PM EST on January 24, 2009.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
wow i would realy like to be one!!!
i have a good record except for the one time the auto chat box mod kiked me for flooding ...though it wasent my folt T.T
lol if you would like to look through my coments then go a head XD i wright so much hopefully it wont kill you XD
man you can count on me to be active!!!
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
You've never left an inappropriate comment anywhere (we will look through every comment you've ever posted) and your comments are friendly and helpful
I'm out >>
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I'd like to be an Otaku Angel please! =^_^= I think I have a pretty good record and I know I can be helpful to new Otakuites!
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
You'll have to keep a diary of what you're doing and report in at least once a month.
Oh agh. I hate doing that about myself.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I definitely have a clean record.
Never flamed or been flamed.
I've always tried to help n00blets out of drama as much as I can.
Nice comments, I always leave them.
I've never left a bad one. Just ones that are exaggerating about inside jokes.
I'll give it a shot. :D
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I wonder if i could be one...hmm...
*thinks about it*
I'll try to give it a shot at least!
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/24/09 | Reply
I volunteer to be a Otaku Angel
I know I am proably all of those
I have a good clean record