For the TV section, how about "The Jon Dore Television Show"?! Even could use more subsections dedicated to awesome Canadian T.V. series (counting comedic-type ones).
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
Yes! We have Fringe!!!!! I can't wait for the next season of that.
I've got some suggestions for categories:
Hana to Akuma (anime & manga)
Princess Resurrection (anime & manga)
Love Monster (anime & manga)
Alive: The Final Evolution (anime & manga)
-"Oku-sama wa Mahou Shoujo" (for Anime/Manga)
-"Mahou Tsukai Sally" (for Anime/Manga)
-"Blue Beetle"(for Books/Comics)
-"The Atom" (for Books/Comics)
-The Japanese Live-action TV film "G-Saviour" (for Movies)
-the Japanese light novel series "Gundam Unicorn" (you decide whether this belongs in Anime/Manga or Books/Comics as I'm still not sure if light novels count as Manga)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/08/09 | Reply
For the TV section, how about "The Jon Dore Television Show"?! Even could use more subsections dedicated to awesome Canadian T.V. series (counting comedic-type ones).
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/09 | Reply
Still waiting for the IGPX category
The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
For the videogame section: Alice Parade
I saw a scan of it in Minitokyo and saw that it was categorized as a videogame, and I made a wallpaper just now for it ^^.
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/09 | Reply
Yayy~ Thanks for making a Dragonriders of Pern category!
I'm so excited, hopefully some people know about these books and post art :)
like a BOSS.
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/14/09 | Reply
Yay, Hetalia has a section now! Thanks always for your hard work!
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/12/09 | Reply
I would like to suggest two new movies categories: "Platoon" and "Back to the Future".
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/09 | Reply
"Golgo 13" is another classic worth having its own subsection in Anime/Manga.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
We have one. (A cats don't dance catagory.) :3 It was added a few weeks ago.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
How about the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series to the books/comics section? :]
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
yay! vampire game! that was my first ever manga!!!!

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
State Alchemist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
Yes! We have Fringe!!!!! I can't wait for the next season of that.
I've got some suggestions for categories:
Hana to Akuma (anime & manga)
Princess Resurrection (anime & manga)
Love Monster (anime & manga)
Alive: The Final Evolution (anime & manga)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
Titles that still need subsections:
-"Oku-sama wa Mahou Shoujo" (for Anime/Manga)
-"Mahou Tsukai Sally" (for Anime/Manga)
-"Blue Beetle"(for Books/Comics)
-"The Atom" (for Books/Comics)
-The Japanese Live-action TV film "G-Saviour" (for Movies)
-the Japanese light novel series "Gundam Unicorn" (you decide whether this belongs in Anime/Manga or Books/Comics as I'm still not sure if light novels count as Manga)
Full of intestines (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/09 | Reply
Finally a Hetalia group!