This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Hey! Listen! H'lo?! Look! New Feature!!!

The MONSTER feature of last week was an amazing thing, and already we have over 40 submitted challenges (with the deadlines for the very first ones just around the corner, even)! That's awesome.

But I'm not gonna downplay it, this month's new feature is gonna Oxygen-Destroyer Adam's MONSTER out of the water!

Also, if you haven't watched the original Godzilla movie, do that. Besides the point...

This month, we're bringing out a new feature, slightly inspired by an old feature. But I think that's already saying too much. The rest of the clues for now lie within the following sound clip:

(You can also direct download here!)

I know, as if the fact that it's an "audio clue" wasn't enough, right? But it's in there... and if you don't get the clue... then maybe you're just too old to get it...

Happy discoveries, otakuites!

EDIT: Stop hurting your ears! Clearly this was an April Fool's Joke!
