This WORLD features all official updates from our network.'s Halloween Writer's Jam

Calling all writers of

Today, The Writers Bloc of proudly announces a fun little holiday event to encourage everyone to put hand to keyboard...

Halloween is only half a month away, and thus far we,, haven't done enough to make that point! No art collaborations, no contests, nothing! Well I for one have decided that that's just silly.

So let's all write some stories before the month's out! For the rest of October leading up to Halloween, I present:

The 2008 Halloween Writer's Jam!

If you or any of your friends have any ideas for some Halloween/horror themed stories, poems, essays or articles, I encourage you all to give it a go. Just about anything will go, whether it be series-based fanfiction or your own original ideas.

While the primary reason for this Writers' Jam is to get people interested in beefing up their Fan Word portfolios for a special occasion (as well as special mentions on the Official World), we have one further bit of incentive to get in on this little event:

A panel of judges will be selecting one of these works as a special "Editor's Choice". Aside from the obvious bragging rights, the author of the chosen work shall also receive a free year's subscription to theOtaku's Premium Service! If you don't have a premium account yet, you'll receive the most complete Version Vibrant experience available; if you already do, you've just saved yourself some cash for next year!

Submission Guidelines for the Writer's Jam are as followed:

  • All submissions must adhere to basic Fan Word standards such as spelling, grammar, and rating (along with the "Nominate For Fan Words Publication" box checked).
  • All submissions must have "halloween" in the submission's tags.

Naturally, the short-notice nature of this event doesn't really suit long multi-part works, so one-shots and the like are the name of the game here.

If there are any more questions or thoughts about this, feel free to comment here.

And as always, be sure to swing through The Writers Bloc World for any and all of your writing needs and assistance.

We have about 15 or 16 days before Halloween - I'm really hoping for a nice turnout this year. Happy writing, guys!
