This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Sakura-Con 2010, Part 1: The Ashton Show!

Well, I'm back.

Sakura-Con was pretty good in all this year; long lines and more of the same from the dealer's room, granted. Still, if nothing else, I'd have to say the company was excellent.

Case in point: The Amazing Panda and the CORGI which we hunted down in the Red Lion Hotel. Here's but a taste of the videos to be officially posted thus far, featuring Gail the Panda, Ashton the Corgi, and a whole slew of Canadians affiliated with folks affiliated with theO:

Admit it. If they had made the meet-up, these two alone would have been worth the time taken to come out.

Videos from the official meet-up on Saturday shall be up tomorrow. And believe me, it's good.
