This is a world all about video games. All kinds of games, on any system. I'll play anything, but I have some favorites. My favorite games: Scooby doo, some pokemon, Frogger, Super Frogger, Retro Frogger (I like the archaic video games), pac man, old pac man, atari arcade, monkey ball, Sonic, Zelda and Link (sort of), Kirby (some), lego star wars (or any star wars), Harry Potter games (especially computer ones and gameboy advance), Scribblenauts, guitar hero and related games, ANYTHING Mario. (This includes the Mario parties, Mario Kart, Pre Mario characters like Donkey Kong, newer ones like Rosalina and Luma, and...ANYTHING! I'm also obsessed with Minecraft.

My all-time favorite game is this: Luigi's mansion, on gamecube. I know gamecube's kind of become obsolete, but I will not let my brother get rid of that game. My all-time favorite character is Yoshi.

If any other gamers want guest poster status on this world, PM me.


Sorry! I have really not been active lately. The usual. Homework. Got a job. On campus, thank God. That means I don't have to work during the holidays. Anyway, I found this little doodle and thought Portal fans might appreciate it.

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Oh yeah, and I promised a drawing for Prismlotus, which will be completed over Thanksgiving break. Sorry it has to wait so long. My art supplies are home and I'm here.

Best villain

GLaDOS is my favorite villain ever.

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When life gives you lemons

Oh my God.
