The first thing that happens when you neglect to pay bills for a certain amount of time- or run out of money so you CAN’T pay bills, the first thing tax payers resort to is selling the entire family into slavery. I’m serious, man. Pay your bills, alright?
At the age of seven I was sold to a woman who was about thirty years of age who let me say goodbye to my parents and little brother before she ushered me into a car and we rode away, to a house on the far side of the country, a beautiful place for me to play and adventure- even if I was alone- and I was content for a few years.
I was a child; I didn’t notice how she taught me some things that were slightly “bizarre”- for instance, I knew the mechanics of sexual intercourse by the time I was ten, certain positions, what women want, etc, etc. Any adult would understand what she was doing, but of course, I did not. When she sold me off again at age twelve, it was to another woman, one who was considerably older and not as pretty. She told me I was going to stay with one of her friends, and even though I knew she was lying to me, I closed my eyes and let myself think that everything would be alright.
It wasn’t.
Yes, I was a “sex slave”. No, I had no say in....
Was it a NICE feeling? Look at me. How old do I seem to you? Twenty-six? I’m only twenty. I was being passed around again when I was sixteen. It’s a source of trauma...which does effect my rela...
No. It’s not relevant now. If you really want me to ANSWER, let me speak... no more interruptions.
At this point I’d reached a sort of rebellious stage because I was tired of the same old grind and tried to find a way out. Most people become restless when they hit their teen years. I am no exception.
None of my ideas to escape worked, of course.
I resolved instead to be disobedient to this next owner, especially if they used me for my body again- though something inside of me was stuck on the thought of my owner being a man. That would have scarred me forever...
“Number 567, James Lockheart. He’s a very strong boy- and very handsome. Look at his white blond hair and blue eyes.” The man on the platform beside me hinted at the crowd and received a hearty amount of applause from the ladies. “We’ll start the bidding at...” I drowned the crowds out then, focusing instead on my bonds. Was I going to live like this forever?
“Make way. Royalty coming through.”
I stiffened as I watched a number of men clad in armor- obviously guards- parted the crowd as they stormed through, their travelling royalty behind them. Another one? The last time I’d seen a travelling royal, it had been a prince...a prince who bought a girl who was younger than I was. I hoped she’d been used for his kitchen and not something dishonorable...
A gloved hand grabbed me by the face, their index finger and thumb on either of my cheeks as the travelling royalty studied me. Black...who wore black clothes in this heat? Worse, I couldn’t make out a figure, not even the eyes. Was this a man or a woman? I gave him- or her- a look of disdain. I hoped, sincerely hoped, that they could see the hate in my eyes. I would never give them the satisfaction they wanted.
The hand dropped back to his side then, and whoever it was snapped their fingers as they gestured to me. Ah. So I was being sold to this royal after all. I heard they treated people horribly....
The man beside me blinked, his expression clearly surprised as the man in black nodded a couple of times and pointed to me. “I suppose...he’s sold.”
But to whom?