Yes, Your Majesty

Though I didn’t like being manhandled by a bunch of unattractive women, I couldn’t be picky. The royal palace... It’s a marvellous place, believe me, but it’s also a very big, very empty place that can fit a hundred families and is instead used to house royalty- families that have nothing better to do then throw their money around and talk about how what they do in their kingdoms will benefit each other. It’s sickening.

I was led to the princess, who was standing in the middle of the royal dance hall (though this may not be the official name) with her arms crossed. Her brown eyes bored into me as I entered, her dark, curly tresses framing her stony expression. She paced around me for a few moments, looking me up and down. “You’ll do...”

She was too cold...too unfeeling! She couldn’t be my Adelia. Adelia was kind and thoughtful, adventurous and wild...this woman...this woman was-

“There are a number of things you need to know,” She said as she closed her eyes, “First is what I like to eat at certain times...certain hours where you are...’free’ in a word...” Her eyes shifted over to me, making me stand up straight. “Are you listening?”

Adelia or not, she certainly was gorgeous. I’d been staring at her body the entire time, letting all of her words go through one ear and out of the other. “Yes, your majesty.”

“You’re lying.” She said, rolling her eyes. “Can you read?”

“Yes.” I answered, trying my hardest not to find her somewhat adorable.

She seemed to notice my half-conscious state. “James. Can you read?”

I blinked as her words formed coherent sentences. “Yes.”

“Then I’ll write it out for you.”

The words snapped me out of whatever daze I’d been in. “What?”

“I said,” She took a deep breath, “I’ll write out the things you need to know, times you need to-”

This is where I made my first mistake. I spoke when she was speaking. “You said you would write it out for me.”

She froze for a moment and stopped pacing. “Yes.”

“You’re the princess. Shouldn’t someone else write it out?” And then it dawned on me, as she blinked a couple of times and a blue pendant I hadn’t noticed before bobbed up and down on her bosom.

“I do things myself. Servants or not, they don’t have to do everything for me.” Adelia- my Adelia- sighed and shook her head. “Do you have any questions?”

“Yes,” I said, looking into her eyes, “Do you remember me?”