Why do all the religions hate on each other anyways? They all pretty much are still believing the the same big guy in the sky! I may be Catholic myself, but being so biased against religions sickens me to the core! ...I think I just quoted Vexen from Demyx time, but that is not of importance. D:< I'm going to go watch amusing YouTube videos to calm myself down. Or imagine Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji being Lord of the Ducks like he was in my dream. *trots off*
WTF D< Two of my best friends on here are Muslim! :I That's so stupid. Gezz lately, it just seems like the whole government is paranoid about other countries invading >__>
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/14/11 | Reply
Why do all the religions hate on each other anyways? They all pretty much are still believing the the same big guy in the sky! I may be Catholic myself, but being so biased against religions sickens me to the core! ...I think I just quoted Vexen from Demyx time, but that is not of importance. D:< I'm going to go watch amusing YouTube videos to calm myself down. Or imagine Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji being Lord of the Ducks like he was in my dream. *trots off*
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/13/11 | Reply
WTF D< Two of my best friends on here are Muslim! :I That's so stupid. Gezz lately, it just seems like the whole government is paranoid about other countries invading >__>