Yookoso! Welcome to my world everyone!

I'm Umeda Isao. I'm trying to make it as a mangaka in America. And it is here that I'll be putting up some of my ideas I have for mangas and/or animes. I would like everyone's opinion on them so if you have anything that could help improve my stories, please tell me! Your opinions will help me better myself as a mangaka.

So here's a little bit about myself:

Real Name: Noland Isao Kana'i Soga (yes it's a bit long ><)
Birthday: July 2,1990
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii
Resides in: Las Vegas, Nevada
Hobbies: Drawing and reading manga, watching anime, learning Japanese
Likes: Food in general, anime/manga xP, video games (especially racing games and RPG), stories that have a serious moral to them
Dislikes: Going to work T^T, being in a slump while working on ideas
Favorite Music: Anything that strikes my fancy :D
Favorite Musicians: Please refer to my last answer =w=
Favorite Seiyuus': Kikuko Inoue, Nana Mizuki, Aya Hirano, Mai Nakahara, Ai Shimizu, Shinichiro Miki, Takehito Koyasu, Tomokazu Sugita...and more ^^
First Anime Watched: Speed Racer XD
First Anime that made me an otaku: Initial D (lol)

Melancholy of Haruhi Chan

Not too big on the Suzumiya bandwagon but when I saw this, I thought it was pretty funny stuff xDDD I love Asakura/Achakura-chan around 3:42 of the video! awwing and loling and the same time >w<

I already ordered the whole 25 episodes on 2 sets of DVDs from Bandai and I can't till it comes in!


yes I've got a Tumblr now lol Made it just because xDDD

Come check it out if you want--->http://umedaisao.tumblr.com/

TheO Meme

Stolen from Fukufuku 8D

Stolen from Nica624

1. Type your full username.
Umeda Isao.

2. Do you have other accounts? If so, what is the name(s) of it/them
Nope! Have stuck to one and only one =w=b

3. What do you submit on theO?
Mostly OC art whether it be my own or someone elses. I should try doing more fan art just for kicks xD

4. Out of what you submit most, what is the most popular piece?
I guess it would be the lineart of Ragna the Bloodedge. Cuz two of my older pieces got the top pick and I personally don't like them =_____=;

5. Are you surprised?
Well it's fan art so it makes more sense then having my original art make it to the top.

6. Who is your best friend on theO?
Fukufuku :3 I chose you imouto! xDDD

7. Who is your enemy on theO?
Haha let's hope that I don't have any ^^;

8. Who do you admire on theO?
reirei, itemilicious, 15385bic...and many others :D

9. When did you join theO?
May 25, 2009

10. Do you like theO?
Of course! Though I may not be here as often as I used to, theO is where I got my start before I made a jump to dA.

11. Have any nicknames on here?
Not that I can think of but if you want to give one, I wouldn't mind ^^

12. Belong to rps? If you do, names?
No haha. Wanted to try it out but...that idea sorta fell through ^___^;

13. What do you usually do on here?
Check out comments and stalk my subbers >8D

14. Do you know anyone on theO in real life personally or face to face?
Not really unless you count Facebook as knowing them personally /SHOT

15. Is a family member on here?
Nope...at least I don't think so o____O

16. Do you comment often?
I should but don't unless we're carrying on a conversation

17. Is there anything you wish you could take back involving theO?
What do you mean by that? I haven't done anything wrong except not be active xDDD

18. If yes, what?
Please refer yourself to the previous answer ;D

19. How much of your time is spent on here?
It's one of the first sites I come to next to dA and facebook

20. Do you keep in contact with anyone on theO that you don’t know in real life?
Yes somewhat.

21. Something you LOVE about theO?
You guys were the first ones I exposed my art to and I feel so appreciative for coming here first. dA would've ripped me to shreds! >A<

22. Something you HATE about theO?
Sometimes when I go to comment, the comment box doesn't load properly and I end like =______=

23. Something you wish you could change?
Nothing but the comment box not working for me lol

24. How many subscribers do you have?
76...although I can see some are zombies now =A= so does that knock my total down?

25. Are you fine with that number?
Yes. I want to earn more subbers and lure them into my trap!!! >83

26. Do you call people on theO with “Chan”, “Kun”, “San”, “Sama”, “Sensei”, etc.?
Haha well not here =w=

27. Do you know what any of those even are?
Japanese honorifics lol Took japanese long enough to figure that out xDDD

28. Who do you talk to on theO the most?
Inactiveness = Less talk time to everybody =A=

29. Does theO have a influence on your every day life?
It's one of the first sites I check when I log in to my comp so yes it does! :3

30. What did you think of this 30 question meme?
I haven't done one in a while so it's refreshing plus keeps me somewhat active here. Interested in trying this, go ahead and steal it :D

Just Wanted to Know

Comment if you actually read my posts or look at my art...I'm just feelin a little emo right now...

I must sound pathetic to you guys but I'm also a bit curious too...


Been ignoring this place for a while so here's a little post =w=b

Life is pretty busy now:
1) I got sketch requests and gifts that still need to be worked on. GAH!!! D8

2) I'll be starting a new shift...3:30pm to Midnight =____= yay...

3) The family and I are moving into a new apartment soon because my uncle is planning on selling his house where we are living currently.

In gaming news, I just pre-ordered Artonelico 3 and Catherine. ATLUS ISN'T DEAD AFTER ALL!!!!!!!! 8DDDDD

I got the soundtrack for Catherine and Shoji Meguro doesn't disappoint!
Here are some of my favorite tracks from the soundtrack

Also got the limited edition Parasite Eve I and II Soundtrack...I'm a sucker for anything limited edition =w=b

Well it's time for me to get off to bed. Got home from work not too long ago and I need some Advil stat! >_______<