Excuse me, I want to join the Organization Oblivion Elites( Despite my name, I am scrambling to choose which weapon would suit me). Is there a ritual to which I could participate as a rite-of-passage to join the Elites?
Please Respond, Demitrax(Kingdom Key)
P.S Please don't mind my icon, I'm about to change it, anyway,please PM me back.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/11 | Reply
Excuse me, I want to join the Organization Oblivion Elites( Despite my name, I am scrambling to choose which weapon would suit me). Is there a ritual to which I could participate as a rite-of-passage to join the Elites?
Please Respond, Demitrax(Kingdom Key)
P.S Please don't mind my icon, I'm about to change it, anyway,please PM me back.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/26/10 | Reply
Xakiah: Oh, pinfeathers and gullyfluff. Let her have some fun. ^__^
Me: Let's not antagonize him... ^^; (And where did you get that lingo from?)
Xakiah: (...a certain cranky bird that I know uses that a lot.)
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/25/10 | Reply
Hey Bo Marlex Peep! Time to herd the nobody sheep! XD
Marlex: Say that again and Tris' scythe will be the least of your worries...-__-**