Meeting in the Rain

It was raining. It pounded down in ceaseless streams. As I sat against the huge brick wall...I didn't care. It could hammer down on me all it wanted, I wasn't going to run from it. As the rain hit my face, it actually made it look as though I were conveying what I felt. The rain streaming down my face like tears. For I...who could not cry. I don't remember how long I sat there...days? Weeks? Who could tell? No one paid me any mind...even heartless ignored me, for I had nothing to give them. I just sat purpose for even existing dwindling away before my eyes. Suddenly, a figure appeared before me. I ignored it...thinking it would vanish soon enough.

"Hey. You gonna sit there forever?" He said, trying to get my attention. "You'll get sick if you stay in this rain."

I didn't move or speak...I didn't even acknowledge him. I felt myself fading away....

"HEY!" He said again. This time he knelt down and grabbed my shoulders. The umbrella he was carrying dropped to the ground with a splash and rolled away slightly. "Are you alright?!" He shook me gently.

Slowly my eyes met his. I sat there a moment just trying to figure out what he wanted.

"So you are alive." He smiled. "Good...I thought for sure you'd of caught your death out here."

I shook my head. "Not possible but, heh...I almost welcome that..."

"You shouldn't talk that way." He suddenly said seriously. "I don't know what happened to you...but you should never discard life so easily. No matter what."

"Life?!" This comment had made me slightly angry. "Do you call what I have LIFE?! No...all I see is Death and more Death! And then, all of my dreams fade before me...because I DON'T EXIST! How can someone like me dream, or love, or laugh, or feel!!! I CAN'T!! I can't even find the tears to shed for those I've lost! Is that life?! WELL IS IT?!!"

He looked shocked for a moment. But then smiled once again, calmly and kindly. "You're sitting there before me aren't you? You hear me speaking, and feel my grasp right? You can feel the rain on your skin, can't you?" He asked. "Can you smell it's scent? Taste it in your mouth?? I hate to break it to you...but you're alive. And anyone with that much of an opinion...that much emotion...doesn't NOT EXIST. Trust're here and you DO exist."

I didn't know how to respond to that...

"And as far as tears go...I really thought you were crying here in the rain...with the drops streaming down your cheeks like one would ever know any different." He stated wiping the rain off my though they actually WERE tears.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously. "Why in the world do you care? I one else does...I've been sitting here for days..."

He smiled. "Yeah...I'm really sorry I didn't come up earlier. But I didn't actually think you'd stay there in the rain. I saw you yesterday. I couldn't help but say something today, you seem so sad. It's wrong to leave a girl sad and lonely."

"Well I'm fine...just go on your way now and mind your own business." I stated coldly. "Your kindness would only be wasted on me anyway...I haven't the heart to ever sincerely return your display."

He laughed. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"No way!" He denied. "I'm not just gonna leave you here now. Besides...I hate getting wet, but look at me! I'm soaked through because you made me drop my umbrella. The least you can do in return is come with me and have something to eat. I'm only going to be in this world for awhile, and I'm all alone here. So what do you say? Wanna keep me company for a bit?"

"This world?" I asked. "You know of the other worlds...and travel to them?"

"Yeah. But my ship is getting repaired right now. I really hate traveling that way, you know, since the Gummi Roads are clogged up with heartless these days...but I do what I must." He answered rubbing the back of his head. "Well, let's go."

I don't know why I did it. I had absolutely no will or desire to follow anyone ever again...yet when he extended his hand...I took it. And after that...I accompanied him to other worlds. Allowing him the use of my portal in exchange for his companionship...I slowly started to live again. Yet...more than that...something more formed between us than simple friendship. Something I could never even begin to describe...But was something such as that even possible for one such as I? One without the fundamental item, a heart?


This is a bit of RaXi's past ^.^ Since she's sleeping, I thought it appropriate to post now! XD
The man here is her dear Vincent...T.T And this takes place after she watched the Organization tumble down. After the deaths of all the remaining members...most important to her....Saix. That's why she felt like dying...uh...fading away.
The world is Radiant Garden. It's amazing no one tried to kill her... o.o Guess they all had things to bask in their victory! XD
