The Childish Nymph

Mix carried Verex quickly through the halls. She felt a tinge of anger running through her that her Verex had been damaged. She wanted to hurt RaXi for breaking her toy……

“Xerebus-sama gave Verex-sama to me,” Minx cried angrily. “How dare RaXi break my toy. How dare she!”

Minx walked to the last door in the hall, her room. Minx pushed the door open and the large room came to light. Three mirrors reflected off the back wall reflecting the hall light as Mix dragged Verex in. Minx flipped on the light, and the room instantly gained dimension and temperature. Minx walked in and closed the door behind her.

Minx looked around her room. A child sized bed was placed in one bed along with several large dolls and stuffed animals. Next to the largest teddy bear sat what could only be described as a cloak and a head. It had once been a nobody, but her will had been crushed leaving only a body.

“Aidex-chan,” Minx smiled. “Is my dollie-wallie good?”

Aidex didn’t move a muscle, but her lips began moving to form words. “I’m yours,” Aidex said calmly.

“That’s good,” Minx continued. “Good that you are mine. Where is Xyta-chan? Oh there you are my other dollie-wallie.”

Xyta sat next to Aidex partly consumed by a sizeable bear sitting in her lap. She sat like Aidex neither moving or fighting to get away. Both nobodies had tried to get away after hearing Xerebus’s plans….had been given to Minx after words….had tried to resist Minx……had tried to leave the castle….but they had failed and now were part of Minx’s collection. Minx smiled happily at each of them.

“Lady Minx,” Xyta said calmly. “Are you happy…..” The metallic sound of her voice would have been bone chilling to anyone but Minx.

“No,” Minx answered. “No…..Xerebus gave me Verex-sama….and RaXi broke him…….she broke my toy…..and I’m sad…..”

“Lady Minx should…..not be sad,” Aidex answered looking blankly into the room.

“I will make RaXi pay for breaking my toy….” Minx said angrily. “And then she will become my toy. And Triskix. And everyone in Organization Oblivion will be my toys….”

“Only if….Xerebus wishes it,” Aidex answered.

“Oh well of course!” Minx said quickly. “Only if my Xerebus-sama wishes it.”

Minx set Verex down in her bed and started tying up his wounds continuing to talk to her dolls. Suddenly a knock on her door brought Minx’s head up.


Ok so Aidex and Xyta are just Minx's dolls. They were originally part of Organization Zero but they were afraid and tried to run from Xerebus and Xerebus told Minx she could have them. Minx broke them of their wills leaving nothing but their bodies making them her toys. They don't function on their own except when near Minx. Guess what Minx plans to do to Verex???

Minx: and everyone else for that matter ^^
