Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746

Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5

Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items


I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.


Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe


X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch

To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.

"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."

Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up

Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.

Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.

Part 2- Aidex's Story

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked smiling down at Aidex to try to comfort her. What ever her nightmare was it sacred her and the fact that it was real, from her past, worried me more.

“Um… I.”

“Everyone has things from the past they are scared of, it is natural. Some people’s past experiences are just more terrible then others. But you should know that those things are from the past and the past can only affect the future if you let it. Don’t be afraid.”

“It’s just that… I... I keep seeing her, and in my dreams she’s looking for me.”

“Looking for you? Who?” I asked; could feel my body tense at the words that she said.

“Cruella. She’s my aunt, but I don’t want to go her!” Aidex pleaded looking into my surprised eyes.

Never. But who is she??”

“Cruella de Vil. She is my… my fathers… sister. After the heartless attack I was... I was sent to live with a close relative.” Aidex said looking away at the last parts.

“Aidex…” I said pulling her closer and hugging her. Her small arms wrapped around my waist and she buried her head in my shoulder. After a few minutes she pulled back and looked at me a small smile was back on her face, but I knew it was just for looks.

“You don’t have to say anything more Aid—.”

“I didn’t want to live with her. I knew she wasn’t nice. So I ran away before I was sent there. I think the only reason she said she would take me is because, of who I am now, because I am a nobody.”

That word was normal I have heard is for most of my life, we called ourselves that when we where kids. Playing with an empty word, a word that we were, but when I heard it come from her mouth it, it felt like there was more to it then just who we are. A nobody is who we are, but it is also a nothing.

“We maybe nobodies, but we are not that different then anyone else. We may not have hearts, but they lie that we don’t feel. I think that, our emotions are the truest that they can be because we feel with our souls. Because a feeling is not just felt with the heart but with the soul,” The words kept coming out but they more they did the more I felt sure of them.

“And it can brake just as easy as the heart and it takes longer to recover. You are no more of a nobody then anyone else around, but because you embrace your emotions that makes you a somebody, Aidex.” I said smiling down at her and it felt right, everything that I said felt right.

“M…” But before she could say thing else a voice cut her off and both of us looked at the open door that lead to Aidex’s room.

“Geeze. It is harder to get food here then it is on Delancey Street, and Street savoir faire doesn’t help when you live in a castle. Oh… There you are Aidex!” Xyta ran over and plopped onto the bed looking from Aidex to me. Aidex’s normal smile was back on her face at the sight of her friend.

“So how about we look around for this… suppose to be amazing kitchen… I am starved.” Xyta comment smiling and her stomach made a contribution to the comment as well. This left Aidex laughing so hard she nearly fell off the bed and Xyta rolling on the bed laughing hard too.

“Mom.. I mea—.”

“Yes,” I said cutting Aidex off and smiling at her.

“It will do us good to look around too. You know with Tanex some Enormous Kitchen will await us, and hopefully with food already.” I said smiling opening the door that led to the hall and hoping that the last part that I said was right.

“By the way Nyx, where is RaXi?” Xyta asked with a hint of worry as we walked down the hall.

“I thought she was with Triskix… we will have to ask him… later.” I said still worried about what happened back there.

Hope it sounds okay Soji!!!!

a rose that wont bloom
winters kept you
don't waste your whole life trying
to get back what was taken away


Part 1- Aidex's Story...

The portal opened back up to Tanex’s ‘Where Nothingness Gathers’. Walking behind Tanex and Lexian I couldn’t see a thing but for some reason it was getting extremely hot in here. Then I heard Tanex say something as...

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Bend Until Your Heart Breaks

As I entered the castle, Anamx's energy flooded over me like a beacon letting a ship know there were rocks up ahead. Both Aidex and Xyta seemed to shiver.

"Anamx....." Aidex said quietly.

"Why is he here?" Xyta asked somewhat harshly.

"Because he is," I answered looking down at them both. They looked at each other and fell silent.

I sighed and continued walking in my shoes clacking on the ground. Where was everyone? I relaxed my mind and found that RaXi and Lexian were headed this way, Kyxsha wasn't even in the castle, and Nyx was with Anamx....everyone else's energy seemed to distorted for me to tell them apart.

Triskix........ the Leader's voice growled in my head. We have matters to discuss..... I sighed and lookd to Xyta and Aidex.

"RaXi and Lexian are coming this way," I said somewhat tiredly. "Meet them here. I have things that need to get done."

"Ok," Aidex said calmly.

Xyta gave me a glare and finally answered yes as well.

I opened a portal and stepped into the Leader's central tower. Everything seemed to be in order again. The Leader sat in a relined chair with his feet up. His head was back, and the hood that usually shielded his face was moved pack enough to show me that his eyes were closed. He looked a lot older than usual sitting in the chair.

I approached cautiously and slowly, but the Leader's voice broke it immediately.

"Triskix," he said somewhat slowly.

"Yes?" I asked now standing about ten feet away.

"That dam witch....broke something....." the Leader said grogily.

"Ra-" I started.

"No not the Ice Queen...the witch Minx," the Leader continued. "She broke a pact you made with me....and.....now I am in pain because of it....."

I didn't move but a rush of pain went through me. It was as if my bones themselves were breaking. I endured it for a second, and the Leader retracted it.

"Triskix....." the Leader said tiredly. "Did you kill that witch......"

I fell silent. Wouldn't he know? He had said he was always in my head....and yet....he didn't know? My thoughts moved back to the mirror Minx had reflected. She had said she broke the pact that I had been forced to make....but....what is she did more? Minx......

"Yes," I said in a dead voice. "She has faded along with Tamex."

"Good," the Leader said his voice somewhat fadidng.

I felt the Leader reach out to try and see my thoughts, but it was as if he couldn't grasp anything. A seed in my mind.... I thought to myself. Minx destroyed his ability to see directly into my mind....she broke the small pact and fractured the large one.....

Leader's irrigation rolled over me along with a wave of pain. Quickly, I pulled an image forward created purely out of the imagination of Minx's screams as she was fading. At seeing this the Leader seemed to relax. I made another one up as I slashed Tamex to bits. This made the Leader even more content.

As the Leader retracted from my mind, Tingles ran through my scars and up my nerves to where I wanted to laugh. I stared closely at the Leader. He was laughing to himself. He laughed harder, and I stood there unsure of what to do.......



Master Triskix told us to stay in that area, and in a ssecond he was gone. I looked at Xyta who looked back at me. Then we both looked out at the castle.

"It's huge!" I said astounded.

"Pft, not that interesting," Xyta answered. "Citadel was bigger."

"Xyta...." I started. "Do you think we'll be able to stay here?"

"As long as this castle's 'Leader' lets us I think we will," Xyta answered. "But if not, I have no problem with getting out of here. And if another Minx shows up, I'm going to beat 'em down with my snowflake staff and be done with it."

"Hah," I smiled. "I would expect as much from you Xyta."

"Pft and what about you oh great daughter of the lineage of Light?" Xyta smirked. "What would you do if they tried to control us?"

"I..." I started, but both Xyta and I looked up as Master RaXi and a black haired man walked up.

"Master RaXi," I started.

" 'Master'?" Master RaXi started. She seemed to laugh for a second and then her eyes changed back to a dulled out stare. "Where is Triskix?"

"Flame-freak went off on his own," Xyta said before I could say any more.

"Xyta...." I starteed worried that Master RaXi wouldn't take the reference.

RaXi just laughed again. I laughed nervously as well. The black haired man standing behind RaXi didn't laugh at all. He just stared at us. RaXi, catching the look, sighed for a moment.

"This is Lexian," RaXi started. "A Master of Darkness."

"Lady Ice Queen, Flame-freak, and Dark Emo," Xyta said rolling her eyes. "Lovely."

I gave Xyta a sharp look, but she didn't take it. She just continued to look at the Masters of Oblivion. She won't trust anyone any more thanks to that Xerebus... I thought to myself. I'll get him for doing that to her.....soon....

Master RaXi just seemed to look back at Xyta. Xyta stared defiantly up with her hard purple eyes. I blinked for a moment unsure of what to do next.



Master Fire-freak told us to stay in the main area, and in half a sec, he was gone off to his own little world of ponies and happiness.Pft....probably worse than Minx... I thought to myself. I caught Aidex looking at me, so I looked back at her.Then we both looked out at the castle.

"It's huge!" Aidex said her voice high pitched and happy.

"Pft, not that interesting," I answered. "Citadel was bigger." But if it's anything like Citadel, I'm freezing it over....

"Xyta...." Aidex started looking over at me. "Do you think we'll be able to stay here?"

And end up stuck like at Citadel? Aidex are you crazy? I thought to myself, but then I slowly smiled. Aidex...you're so different from me....you can forgive people.....

"As long as this castle's 'Leader' lets us I think we will," I answered. "But if not, I have no problem with getting out of here. And if another Minx shows up, I'm going to beat 'em down with my snowflake staff and be done with it."

I would not be controlled by anyone ever again. Even if it meant fighting my way out, I would never be controlled again. Even if it meant.....beating Aidex down....eventhough....she was......

"Hah," Aidex smiled. "I would expect as much from you Xyta."

Aidex laughed a bit, and I just sighed for a moment.

"Pft and what about you oh great daughter of the lineage of Light?" I smirked. "What would you do if they tried to control us?"

She wouldn't do anything... I thought to myself. She would just go along and try to protect herself....

"I..." Aidex started, but both Aidex and I looked up as RaXi and a black haired man walked up.

"Master RaXi," Aidex started.

Master? Oh Aidex.... I thought to myself. You did that at Citadel...all of the adults were Masters according to you, Adiex....

" 'Master'?" RaXi started. For a sec I was ready to yell at her for laughing at Aidex, but then she quit when she noticed Flame-freak was missing. "Where is Triskix?"

"Flame-freak went off on his own," I answered cutting Aidex off. Aidex gave me a sharp look, but I just gave her a blind stare back.

"Xyta...." Aidex started. Don't Aidex....if she doesn't like it....

RaXi just laughed again, and Aidex laughed nervously as well. The black haired man standing behind RaXi didn't laugh at all. He just stared at us. RaXi, catching the look, sighed for a moment.

"This is Lexian," RaXi started. "A Master of Darkness."

"Lady Ice Qeen, Flame-freak, and Dark Emo," I said rolling my eyes. "Lovely."

For some reason....I liked the Dark Emo guy though......

Aidex gave me another caustic look, but I just stared back again. I turned my attention back to the new inhabitance of Castle Oblivion....

RaXi just seemed to look back at me, and I stared defiantly back.

"Kids," Lexian said. His voice sounded somewhat amused. "Kids in the castle again...."

RaXi looked over at him for a second.

"This is the first time kids have been in the castle in years," RaXi said with almost a twang of happiness.

"I am not a kid," I answered. "I'm 14 going on 15."

"I never thought I would see another child nobody after XIII fell," RaXi said ignoring me. "It's almlost strange to have kids in the castle."

"Weren't you worried about Flame-freak?" I asked. "I think he's still in the castle....."

RaXi's face became serious again, and she nodded seeming to try and sense everyon in the castle.

"He's in the Leader's tower," Lexian said calmly.

"Aidex, Xyta, locate a light user named Nyx," RaXi said as she and Lexian ran off towards the central tower.

I looked at Aidex. She looked at me.

"How do we?" I asked.

"I have no idea......" Aidex answered.


After the Leader was done with his laugh, he sat up from the chair and pulled up his hood.

"I feel better," he said smirking from under his hood. "Now then Triskix......hm....."

"What?" I asked.

"You don't feel it?" the Leader asked. "We have visitors. Go open the door for them Triskix..."

I walked towards the door and grasped the handle. The door was pulled out not by me, but by RaXi who seemed read to run me over. After RaXi came Lexian. We both stared at each other for a moment. I didn't say anything an neither did he.

"RaXi and Lexian," the Leader said. He was now standing at the far edge of the room like he always did when people entered.

RaXi gave the Leader a bitter look, and Lexian just gave me a dark look.

"What brings you two here?" the Leader asked. His voice was so happy it made me want to throw up.

RaXi looked taken back by the Leader's happiness, but Lexian cut in easily.

"Kyxsha, Rexikat, and Ximh are away from the castle," he started as if he were planning this from the beginning. "It is in our interest to find them."

The Leader smirked and I felt another wave of joy out of him. It was starting to irritate me now.

"Yes then, shall we call a meeting?" the Leader asked.

I looked at RaXi who was glaring at the Leader, but Lexian continued.

"Yes," he answered.



I looked around as we wandered through the castle. I had no idea where were were supposed to find this Nyx person.....and it worried me....

"Hey Ai, why not just try and contact her?" Xyta asked.

"Hu?" I asked unsure of what she meant.

"You're both Light, so I bet you could easily find her if ya tried," Xyta continued.

"Um....." I said still unsure of what she was getting at.

"Just try and find the light in the castle and the open a portal to it," Xyta answered.

"Oh...ok...." I said closing my eyes. I had to find the light.....just find.....

Suddenly I sensed an enormous amount of Light energy. It was the only one in the castle besides me....so it had to be this Nyx person......I opened a portal cautiously....

"This should be....right...." I said.

Xyta didn't wait but stepped right through. I followed. As we left the portal, a photon was shot at us. I screamed, but Xyta yelled for me to be quiet. We both looked to see a brown haired woman dresseed in an organization cloak staring at us. Her green eyes seemed to be trying to discern our intentions.

"Master RaXi sent us!" I yelled as she started to make another photon.

The woman stopped and looked at us carefully. It was then I noticed what she was standing infront of. It was a bed with a sleeping Anamx in it. I looked at Xyta and she back at me.

"Who are you," the woman asked.

"I'm Aidex...." I said quietly afraid she would attack again. I hated fighting......and she looked exstremely strong.....

"And I'm Xyta," Xyta said her voice not shaking at all. "RaXi sent us to find you, but she didn't state why. Are you Nyx?"

The woman stopped completely and seemed to sigh to herself. I sighed also. The place where my heart would have been was starting to hurt.

"Adiex you ok?" Xyta asked.

"I...I am..." I said taking in a breath. "I'll be ok...."


Sorry for the epically long post @_@ I was on a roll.....Nyx you an continue with the children if you want, but the Leader's sending out a message for all the elite to attend a meeting. Oh and Jet, feel free to take care of Minx. I won't be writing her POV anymore unless you want me to.

Triskix: the Leader was laughing....O_e and it was worse than Larxene's witch crackle.....*face/palm*

Soji: LOL

Aidex: ....the Leader?

Xyta: I swear if he's like Xerebus, I'm beating his face in whit my snowflake staff.

Adiex: O_O you wouldn't!.....would you?............

Promices (wow a lot of posts o_0)

"Tamex, we have matters to discuss," I said looking down at the rabbit.

"Ya?" he asked. "Well then, what is it Pyro?"

I took a breath and started.

"You left the castle."


"Does that mean you are leaving the Organization?"


"On what?"

"What will happen to these ladies."

I stopped and looked at the two fawns. The both seemed to shiver while looking at me.

"We were never propperly introduced," I started. "My name is Triskix."

The two fawns looked at each other and then at Minx who smiled back happily. Finally the first talked.

"My name is Xyta," the first said.

"And I am Aidex. Until recently we were captives of Minx's power, but RaXi released us," Aidex started.

I turned my head to Minx, but she was sitting with Tamex and asleep. I moved my head back.

"And RaXi sent you here?" I asked.

"No....we came here so that Minx wouldn't be forced to go to Oblivion.....RaXi said something about you before...." Aidex said quietly. "So...we came here....We wish to be a part of Organization Oblivion....."

"And some how I got draggeed into this," Tamex said adding his two cents.

"Minx can't go back to Zero, and she can't go back with us because the Leader will just force me to lock her up....." I said looking down. I couldn't deal with chaining her up on the Leader's orders....after she went such lengths to give me control again.

"Then I'll take her," Tamex jumped in. Minx's ears pricked and she was instantly awake.

I looked at Tamex.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You asked if I would be coming back to Oblivion.....and since Minx can't go, I won't," Tamex answered.

"Tamex...." I started.

"If it makes you feel any better you can just tell your Leader ya killed me," Tamex smirked. "But as long as Lady Minx doesn't have a place to go, I'm going to stay with her. A little lady like her doesn't need to be alone."

Minx looked at Tamex for a moment her eyes growing big.

"Tamex....you.....would do that for me?" Minx asked. Her voice was already cracking. "You would stay with me......"

Tamex smirked.

"I would never leave a lady, and I'll never be controled. I don't want whatever you want Triskix; I just want to be happy. And I already am. You can't chain me down. I've been wandering too long to have a chain on my ankle," Tamex laughed. "So I'll wander around with Minx until you come for her."

"Tamex....." Minx said in tears. "You....would....stay with me......."

"But Triskix," Tamex continued without hearing Minx, "You have to promice that when you achieve whatever you goals and you are no longer controled by the Leader....no not even a tiny bit.....then you will seek Minx and me out. I'm pretty good with guessing, so I'd say you two have some unfinished buisness."

I looked at Tamex and for the first time smiled.

"Fine," I answered. "I'll come when I get things done."

Tamex smirked and opened a portal.

"Well then I'm outta here," Tamex laughed. "Going to get some R and R in a little more peaceful area hahah."

"Minx," I said.

"Triskix," Minx answered.

"I'll come for you. I promice," I said.

"I know you will," Minx answered walking through the portal after Tamex.

As the portal closed, I felt myself becoming hollow. I looked to the fawns and the Prince who had remained quiet this entire time.

"All's well that ends well," the Prince said flatly.

"Come on you two," I said opening my own portal. "Lets go to the castle."

Both Aidex and Xyta nodded and followed me....back home......


Thanks for the ideas Jet 8D Tamex broke out of the Organization XD wonder if I should make a catagory on the intro from rogues XD

Triskix: so tired.....*falls over*
Xyta: sap.....*smacks Triskix*
Aidex: o_0

Oh and if any of you want to use Aidex or Xyta here is their info:

Name: Aidex
Real Name: Deia
Age: 14
Element: Light
Weapon: Photon Staff
Likes: fireflies and poky
Dislikes: Xerebus
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue
Skin: exstremely pale
Short history: Aidex became a nobody because her whole Deia destroyed herself after her parents convinced her she would be better off dead. Aidex stopped Deia from dying and then ran off.

Name: Xyta
Real Name: Tya
Age: 14
Element: Ice
Weapon: Snowflake Staff
Likes: Aidex, being alone, games
Dislikes: Minx's chilishness
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: purple
Skin: somewhat tan
Short history: Xyta only remembers that her other half was trying to find something.


I opened a portal and stepped through. Tamex's energy was hard to sense and flowed from different points almost like a river, but I soon found it's source.

As I entered the Thicket, I transformed into a buck. My antlers were fairly large and stuck out in the brush. I had startled a nest of birds, but they became quiet again when they realized that it was only a buck. As the birds fell into silence, the quiet nearly startled me. I shook my head a bit. Tamex's energy was around....as well as two other nobodies.....and Minx.

I wanted to leave immediately. The pact I had been forced to make.....but it was too late....I had sensed her meaning the Leader had sensed her. I felt the flow of rage which wasn't mine. With it came crimson death eyes.

My body moved fowards uncontroled by myself. I walked through the grass and desnse brush towards the group. I saw them all laying down in a clearing. Uppon my aproach, the two fawns in the group looked up and then backed up.

"A.....nobody......" the first said her voice full of fear. "But........"

"But his energy......" the second continued. "Tamex awaken!"

A rabbit near the first fawn sprung up startled. I recognized the blue bandanna on his head instantly and glared at him.

"Tamex," I said in a harsh tone," For leaving the Organization you will die."

The shocked expression on Tamex's face turned a stone cold look.

"Now pyro," he started. "What has gotten into you?"

"And where is Minx," I continued pretending not to hear.

"Minx," the first fawn repeated. "Wait.....are you of Oblivion? Triskix! It's him! Xyta! Run!"

The second fawn learing her friend jumped a bit but was stuck in the deer in the hedlights position. They were both shocked into paralysis. Tamex moved quickly fowards.

"She is safe," he answered. "So are you going to tell me what this is pyro?"

"She's a member of Zero.....and you are an abandoner....both of you will be executed," I said flatly.

"Wha- you can't be serious pyro...." Tamex started.

"I am," I answered.

I leaped fowards and with my antlers held down and smashed Tamex into a tree. The two fawns frozen by fear instantly came back to life.

"Tamex!" one screamed.

Tamex had his back agaist a tree, and his two large rabbit feet pushed agaisnt my antlers. I pushed fowards further into the tree, and he was slowly being crushed.

"Aidex! Xyta! Get Minx out of here!" Tamex yelled trying to force my antlers off. He moved down his feet and kicked me in the face. I drew back and glared. The two fawns reached down in the grass and picked up a sleeping rabbit.

"Minx," I said glaring.

I charged fowards, and the two fawns ran carrying Minx.


I slowly awakened to someone shaking me......a full body shake......Suddenly I realized someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes fully and found Aidex carrying me away with Xyta.

"What's wrong....." I asked. The shaking was starting to hurt.

"Minx can you run?" Xyta askeed.

"Y-yes...." I said still unsure of what was going on.

"Good! We have to get out of here! Triskix is coming!" Xyta yelled.

"Triskix?" I asked. "Why....."

"He had a bloodly look in his eye," Aidex said. "And he attacked Tamex and said he was going after us next!"

"What!" I shouted. I looked behind Aidex and saw a large buck chasing us. His red eyes were a burning red. Triskix...... I thought to myself


I continued to chase the fawns and the rabbit through the thicket. Birds flew up startled everywhere. All the while I hoped they would get away.

Out of nowhere Tamex dropped down and kicked me. I reared up and stomped the ground.

"Don't you dare harm those ladies," Tamex glared. "I'll beat your face in Pryo. What has gotten into you....."

"A dam pact," I answered. "And now I have to adhere to it....but that is only for Minx......for you Tamex....I'm doing this because I hate you..."

Tamex stopped and looked at me crossly.

"You don't know enough about me to say that," he answered.

"You're an annoying ladies man that gets in the way and runs of on a whim. None of the worlds need a person like that," I answered harshly.

I had never meant to say it.....it was the leader's thought not mine.....but I had said it. Tamex looked hurt.