Part 2- Aidex's Story

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked smiling down at Aidex to try to comfort her. What ever her nightmare was it sacred her and the fact that it was real, from her past, worried me more.

“Um… I.”

“Everyone has things from the past they are scared of, it is natural. Some people’s past experiences are just more terrible then others. But you should know that those things are from the past and the past can only affect the future if you let it. Don’t be afraid.”

“It’s just that… I... I keep seeing her, and in my dreams she’s looking for me.”

“Looking for you? Who?” I asked; could feel my body tense at the words that she said.

“Cruella. She’s my aunt, but I don’t want to go her!” Aidex pleaded looking into my surprised eyes.

Never. But who is she??”

“Cruella de Vil. She is my… my fathers… sister. After the heartless attack I was... I was sent to live with a close relative.” Aidex said looking away at the last parts.

“Aidex…” I said pulling her closer and hugging her. Her small arms wrapped around my waist and she buried her head in my shoulder. After a few minutes she pulled back and looked at me a small smile was back on her face, but I knew it was just for looks.

“You don’t have to say anything more Aid—.”

“I didn’t want to live with her. I knew she wasn’t nice. So I ran away before I was sent there. I think the only reason she said she would take me is because, of who I am now, because I am a nobody.”

That word was normal I have heard is for most of my life, we called ourselves that when we where kids. Playing with an empty word, a word that we were, but when I heard it come from her mouth it, it felt like there was more to it then just who we are. A nobody is who we are, but it is also a nothing.

“We maybe nobodies, but we are not that different then anyone else. We may not have hearts, but they lie that we don’t feel. I think that, our emotions are the truest that they can be because we feel with our souls. Because a feeling is not just felt with the heart but with the soul,” The words kept coming out but they more they did the more I felt sure of them.

“And it can brake just as easy as the heart and it takes longer to recover. You are no more of a nobody then anyone else around, but because you embrace your emotions that makes you a somebody, Aidex.” I said smiling down at her and it felt right, everything that I said felt right.

“M…” But before she could say thing else a voice cut her off and both of us looked at the open door that lead to Aidex’s room.

“Geeze. It is harder to get food here then it is on Delancey Street, and Street savoir faire doesn’t help when you live in a castle. Oh… There you are Aidex!” Xyta ran over and plopped onto the bed looking from Aidex to me. Aidex’s normal smile was back on her face at the sight of her friend.

“So how about we look around for this… suppose to be amazing kitchen… I am starved.” Xyta comment smiling and her stomach made a contribution to the comment as well. This left Aidex laughing so hard she nearly fell off the bed and Xyta rolling on the bed laughing hard too.

“Mom.. I mea—.”

“Yes,” I said cutting Aidex off and smiling at her.

“It will do us good to look around too. You know with Tanex some Enormous Kitchen will await us, and hopefully with food already.” I said smiling opening the door that led to the hall and hoping that the last part that I said was right.

“By the way Nyx, where is RaXi?” Xyta asked with a hint of worry as we walked down the hall.

“I thought she was with Triskix… we will have to ask him… later.” I said still worried about what happened back there.

Hope it sounds okay Soji!!!!

a rose that wont bloom
winters kept you
don't waste your whole life trying
to get back what was taken away

