
"This better be good," I snarled, slamming open the door to the Leader's room. Both he and Triskix seemed to have been in a conversation. They both turned to look at me, Triskix in surprise, the Leader with a smirk.

"Ah, Rexikat," he said. "You're the first here. How did you get notice of the meeting so fast, I wonder?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, not liking the implication behind his words. "You called me here, remember?" I growled.

"Oh. Yes, of course," he said airily. Triskix glanced between the two of us, the tension in the air like a smothering blanket. "You seem upset. Were you...busy?"

I ground my teeth. The bastard knew about my meeting with Pashnirix, I could tell, and he deliberately pulled me away from it. I wouldn't--no, I couldn't let that happen again. I would have to be more careful in the from now on, and start using some of those long forgotten lessons I'd learned.

"No," I replied calmly. "I was just taking a nap."

The Leader's smile grew even wider. "Hm. Well-deserved, I'd imagine." He turned back to a portal he had opened in the room. It opened up to a white room filled with chairs of varying heights, all arranged in a circle.

"What's that?" I asked, motioning towards it and looking to Triskix.

"It's the meeting room of the original thirteen, Where Nothing Gathers," said Triskix quietly. He gazed at it with a nostalgia in his eyes. I could only guess that the place held certain memories for him.

"That's where this meeting will be held, then," I said. "Fun." I suddenly wished that I could have at least had one lesson with Pashnirix. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to see him for a while after this.

"Rexikat," said the Leader, "go and gather the others. I'm sure you'll be able to find the rest in the Castle somewhere."

"Excuse me?" Pashnirix ordering me around was one thing, but this--this Leader guy, I would absolutely not tolerate. "Did I just hear you order me to do something?"

"Rexikat," cut in Triskix. "Please, just find them. For me. As a favor," he added.

I glared between him and the Leader, and then left the room with a huff. Oh well, I thought, Just another hunt, right? I left in search of the other elites.

Rexikat: Stupid Leader, reading my stupid mind, tearing me away from stupid Pashnirix, stupid ordering me around...

KitKat: Well, you had to know this was coming.

Rexikat: I was expecting Pashnirix to try and pull something, not the Leader! I was ready!

KitKat: Sure, just not for the right person. ^_~
