
I listened to the argument over who would go save RaXi, putting in my words only when necessary. I didn't think it would be wise to send a ton of people, when only a few would really be all that was needed. But when the Leader told Nyx that only Xemmsur would be going with her, I felt I needed to object.

Kyxsha beat me to the punch, shouting, "WHAT?!" She glared at the Leader exchanging some sort of internal dialog, and the Leader seemed ready to use Triskix to attack her, but Nyx stepped forward.

"Thank you. My only request is to leave immediately...sir," she said quietly.

The Leader began to speak, but I cut him off. "If I may be so bold as to speak, sir," I said coldly, "but with all due respect, I agree with Kyxsha. I don't think Xemmsur would be the best choice for this mission. We don't know what we could be up against, and she's not exactly the best fighter here."

I paused to glance around at the others, and then continued. "If you insist on keeping Triskix and Lexian by your side, and you refuse to send Kysxha, then I suggest you send Ximh or myself instead of Xemmsur." Preferably myself, I thought. RaXi had become one of the few friends I had, and I would not see her captured due to the error in planning of a nameless Leader.

"And if you insist on arguing my orders at every turn, Rexikat, I suggest you prepare yourself for an eternity of punishment," replied the Leader with a chilling smile. "Xemmsur will go with Nyx to retrieve RaXi. Am I clear?"

He looked around to everyone in the room. We all stared at either each other or the Leader. Finally, I looked away, muttering, "Yes, sir."

He looked pleased with himself, but I was furious. I needed a plan, and thought of one quickly as he moved on to the next subject of business. Carefully guarding my mind with techniques I hadn't used in years, I chained my true intentions into a corner of my mind, and let a few tears stream down my face.

I wiped at them viciously, and Ximh, sitting next to me, noticed the motion. "Rex," he whispered, "it's okay, don't cry."

"It's not okay," I hissed back. "RaXi needs someone who knows what they're doing. We can't leave her to the hands of someone so inexperienced as Xemmsur! She needs me!" I let out a broken sob for good measure.

Ximh looked worried, and then raised his hand. "Um, Leader, sir? Can I just take Rex out for a minute? Calm her down a bit?"

I let out a huge sniffle, glaring out at everyone. "Don't even bother, Ximh," I said before rushing out of the room through a portal. I ran, not bothering to look behind to see if Ximh had followed me.

Running as fast as I could to the West Tower and my room, I locked the door and chained it shut, making sure no one could get in. Wiping my face of the fake tears, I paced, trying to figure out the best way to execute my plan. I had never been to the Citadel Abyss before. I didn't know the layout of their castle. Going there on my own would be a huge risk, but one I was willing to take.
I will continue this really soon! It was a long post, so I broke it up.
