Enter Pashi

“But if I may ask,” Pashnirix said, “why not just ask me to take you there yourself?”

My face darkened. “I can’t. The Leader ordered Nyx and Xemmsur to rescue RaXi. Much as I hate obeying orders, I’m already being punished as it is because of you,” I seethed.

Pashnirix frowned and looked displeased, though I couldn’t place why. Shaking his head, he said, “Then I should be going.” He opened a portal, but before he stepped through, he turned back to me.

“You should get out of here, before either of our leaders finds out what’s going on,” he said lowly, “and I trust you will not be speaking of this to anyone, Verex?”

Verex shook his head. “You are helping her, yes? I have no reason to say anything.”

“Alright, then,” Pashnirix said before disappearing through the portal.

[Pashnirix’s POV]

He slipped through the portal, arriving in the world where RaXi was being held. He arrived just in time to see a storm of ice needles pierce through the guards outside of her room. He quickly dodged out of the way, his stray thoughts of Rexikat far removed from his mind.

"Stop! RAXI!" He heard a girl shout out. He looked towards the hole where a door once stood.

"Shut up, you," the one known as RaXi shouted back. "I can kill you in an instant! My first attack...remember? You should feel the crystals in your bloodstream...don't press your luck or...."

Pashnirix was beginning to wonder what he should do in the event RaXi killed everyone there, if Rexikat would even still want to bring her back. He shrugged, thinking it wasn’t his problem. His part of the deal was to make sure she was in either his hands or Organization Oblivion’s; he could care less about collateral damage.

"THAT'S, ENOUGH RAXI!" A man's voice boomed. "CALM YOURSELF, NOW!"

Pashnirix looked sharply at the sound of Marlex’s voice. The one whom Verex had not wanted catching RaXi…and with reasonable worry.

"No! Impossible…you're DEAD!" RaXi screamed. "Master...Marluxia...." She grabbed her head in agony, falling to the floor as she said softly, "I'm....sorry....." before falling completely unconscious.

There was a brief silence before Marlex called out, "Why didn't you fight her?! I told you, if you don't fight...you'll be KILLED NYX!"

"Marlex..." Nyx muttered. Apparently, the two were acquainted. He watched with lazy interest as he spoke to her.

"Stay there!" Marlex shouted. "I'm sorry Nyx...but I'm afraid RaXi will be coming with me. Don't try and stop me...or I'll have to fight you."

Pashnirix sighed quietly, hiding in the shadows. This would either take a while, else be over in an instant. His thoughts strayed once again to Rexikat as he waited. When she had told him that she was under order not to go after RaXi, it had made him want to cringe. Whether it was in displeasure that his potential mate would allow herself to be repressed in such a way, or in anger that someone would dare order the Tigress around, he couldn’t tell. But what he did know was that he personally was hoping Nyx would lose to Marlex. It had been too long since he last fought with the Tigress, and he was eager to feel again.
KitKat: Aw...Pashi...

Pashnirix: What? I don't think it would be wise of me to pick a mate who could die as easily as my last one...

KitKat: Oh, yeah, right. Just disregard the hearts and squees and kawaii's that were going off at your little episode of overprotective-ness there. :3
