Plan of Action

"Hey Xakiah, could you give us a minute..." I asked after she's explained the whole concept of Abyss's layout to us. I was quite skeptical on the whole thing...but then again I was SKEPTICAL on lots of things. It was believable...after all, I'd been here once before and Abyss MOST DEFINITELY considered me it's ENEMY. "On second thought...never-mind. I'm just going to speak my mind to the both of you...Xakiah will learn of it sooner or later anyway. If she doesn't already KNOW..." I looked straight into her gaze at this part...her eyes seem to hide the vast amount of knowledge I was SURE they contained.

"What is it RaXi?" Nyx asked looking at me with concern.

I sighed and put my finger to my lip. I really hadn't wanted to resort to this plan of action...yet if I'd come alone it would've been different. I truly thought Xakiah could show us the way...but now it seemed like she was just as much of a foe as we were...Damn you Xerebus...I thought.

"I know what Xakiah speaks is all too true, for I have witnessed this Citadel in action." I began. "Therefore, I can say with most certainty, it's first mode of operation will be to divide us from one another. No matter how you split into will not rest until you are alone...and most vulnerable to it's twisted tests." I spoke aloud. "What you may not know the connection we two have here. But as I said...I'm sure you know something on the matter..."I looked at her...but she seemed willing to let me continue. As though I could perhaps offer her a bit of information she HADN'T yet gained. I humored her...this time. "Former Apprentices like us have chosen Zero to side with. They have even openly claimed they desire to reunite I really have no idea what they will do...should they encounter Nyx or myself. I will have no trouble drawing my weapon on them...but Nyx..." I turned my attention to her now and fell silent.

"RaXi...I told you I'll be fine!" She insisted with that huge smile plastered on her face. I wanted to believe her...and just hoped she COULD fight them...for the plan I had...would divide us.

"So then're obviously thinking something. What plan of action shall we take?" Xakiah asked eyeing me.

Yet I didn't answer her right away. My skin was literally felt like the very walls had eyes. I closed my eyes to concentrate. I sensed them...several of the apprentices...members of Zero...they were all was hard to pinpoint ANYTHING in this place. And there...above it all...I could feel that child. Minx. Such a strong power was emanating from was hard to miss, yet not in a precise location.

"RaXi..." Nyx spoke quietly...she knew what I was doing...but sensed the same feeling of urgency that began to run through me.

"We better hurry...Abyss is getting ready to shift again." Xakiah warned. "Unless you DON'T want the first move..."

My eyes snapped open. "Listen carefully. I'll only say this once. We will divide now before the Citadel has the chance to do it for us. Nyx, I'm sure like me you can sense them all. Try to avoid contact if possible...head for that strong surging power near the top. That is Minx." I explained quickly. "Xakiah, I get the impression you too have unfinished business in this place. After all...there had to be SOME reason you left. I don't care for an explanation, though I doubt I would receive one." I spoke crossly. "I ask only that you both try to get to Minx...should I fail...and subdue her. As soon as the defensive shield is down...return to Oblivion at once. Understood? There will be no meeting up...just pull out."


Verex stormed through the halls. He had a killer headache...the result of his ongoing torture...courtesy of Xerebus. He stopped in his tracks when he felt the barrier around the Citadel increase to such a point, the walls were taking the bluish-tint of glass.

"Minx...that idiot!" He mumbled. "Using that much power can break her!" He started to make his way towards her location. But heard shouting from down the hall. Another child's voice...which came into view shortly after. She crashed right into him flurried...

"Someone's in the castle!" She muttered trying to run off.

Verex's eye's went wide. Without even thinking he knocked the girl on the back of the head, then caught her in his arms as she fell unconscious. Whoever had come into the castle, Xerebus didn't have to know about it just yet. Not until HE himself found out who they were...

Placing her in an abandoned room and efficiently sealing it off, he made his way through the Citadel. Hoping to find that the intruder was who he WANTED it to be.

