Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746
Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5
Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items
I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.
Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe
X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch
To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.
"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."
Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up
Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.
Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.
I trotted down the halls at a brisk pace. I had to continually tell myself that this was NOT home. I could feel Tanex's energy everywhere...but sometimes my eyes continually cried out their approval for my surroundings. I knew every twist...every turn. I could almost walk these halls blindfolded, unlike how Oblivion had changed. Swinging around a corner, I could swear I saw Vexen as the door to Xirian's lab swung open. I froze...
"...Xi....RaXi!" Verex's voice came through. I shook my head and rubbed my eye.
"Oh, hello Verex. I'm back." I stated flatly.
"Hah, I can see that." He smiled. "Welcome Back RaXi." His eyes lingered on mine for much too long, causing me to abruptly look to the side.
"Where are the girls? We have a brief respite until Triskix returns...I want to take this time and use it productively."
"They're still in the lab, driving Xirian up a wall no doubt." He nearly laughed. I rose my eyebrow in response, wondering just WHAT had gone on in my absence. "However, before you take off, tell me...how did things go?"
I nearly smirked at him. "Don't tell me you didn't realize...he-"
"Yes...I know Xerebus is here...what I'm asking is...in what CONDITION did he arrive?"
My expression souring a bit, I slanted my eyes and turned them to the side. "I suppose you could say willingly...I do not trust him...and I do NOT condone what I see between him and Nyx. I refuse to accept the things swirling in my head...not until Nyx confirms them herself. And I swear...until that time...he had better keep his distance."
Verex broke out into full on laughter. I almost growled in response.
"RaXi...you sound like an overprotective parent!" He exclaimed. I was in utter shock.
"C-Come again?!"
"You do! If not a parent...then like an older sibling or something! Listen to yourself! 'I won't CONDONE it?' 'He'd Better Keep His Distance?' Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" He conveyed. "Not only that...but quite honestly...isn't that for NYX to decide herself?"
The walls froze over as I glared at Verex, urging him to keep his opinions to HIMSELF. He wasn't phased in the slightest...his laughing continuing to echo.
"I can't believe your nerve." I snarled. "Nyx...she's...too kind for her own good! Do you want me to leave her?! To let her be conned and harmed?! Well I'm sorry, but I WON'T ALLOW IT!"
"No...RaXi..." He protested when he noticed how much this truly bothered me. I could see the slight shock in his eyes as his expression turned to one of slight remorse. "I only-"
"Laugh all you want...we may not be blood...but I SWORE to protect that girl...I will carry out my WORD! UNTO MY DEATH!" I stormed into the lab, opened a portal and ordered Xyta and Aidex through. Xirian adjusted his glasses, but quickly returned to his work...knowing right away I wasn't in the mood for idle chit-chat.
"What's going on Master RaXi? Is....everything alright?" Aidex questioned in a small voice.
"Everything is fine. Take a look around you two. This is the arena." I explained. "We're going to get some training in. Though Aidex...I'm afraid you'll have to sit this one out. I haven't the slightest idea how to train one with your capabilities...and right now...I seek to discover Xyta's strength."
Aidex nodded.
"Huh...this is dumb." Xyta rebuked, with a less than enthused tone.
"Dumb or not...you will complete your exercises...unless you think you can take ME on." I taunted, a gleam in my eyes. She averted my gaze and drew out her weapon.
"What do I have to do...?" She sighed.
I smiled. "Good. First I want you to-"
--We began her training session...I was hoping it would take my mind off the situation inside. I wanted to confront Nyx about that man...and yet at the same time I was afraid I didn't want to hear her answer. It bothered me...down to my very core. And not only that...but Triskix had yet to return from Oblivion. If he took too long...would I have to go after him? Would it go that far?
My thoughts were interrupted, a portal opened in the corner of the arena...a familiar figure stepping through....
AHAHAH! My way of leaving it open! Anyone may continue by entering to watch or speak with RaXi. Right now, Xyta is completing basic ice exercises, RaXi is WATCHING and Aidex is standing at her side. ;3
Kira: Ah Verex....bad move man...
Verex: I was just telling the truth and JOKING around! She takes everything so...serious... T.T Do you think she hates me?
Kira: ......
My whole body was tense...the elixir I had drank slowly wore off the more copies I formed. I knew there wasn't much longer I could hold on without a break. I needed to stop...but Xirian kept saying how close he was...so very close. Verex kept eyeing me...examining my facial expressions...every time I caught him...it was all I could do to keep a neutral face. To show NO SIGN of fatigue. But it was getting worse...My vision was starting to blur...
"RaXi! You're losing concentration! The copy is starting to condense!" I heard Xirian command.
I jolted and the copy turned to snow before their eyes...I had killed her. "I'm sorry...I'll make another." I apologized, but it was no use. Verex started to make his approach...another lecture was coming. And then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"It never fails with you...learn your limits RaXi...or have you forgotten I have copies too...I said I would help." The voice spoke. It was Tanex. A feeling I would only deny in the future rushed through me. Relief. All of my muscles seemed to relax in response to it, and I slowly began to slump over. Verex caught me. Raising me, it felt like I was in a daze as he cradled me in his arms. "There are several rooms. Go ahead and take her to get some rest...see that she does...RaXi is a stubborn one. I just got Nyx and the girls to proper quarters as well."
"I understand." Verex responded. "Thank you Tanex. Xirian, I'll be off now...can you handle things-"
"I never needed your help to start with!" Xirian denied obstinately.
I could hear Verex laugh slightly...then everything went black.
As I carried RaXi through the hall, I chose a random room and entered quietly. How long had it been since she looked so peaceful? I couldn't even remember...to my dismay. I had wanted to be the one to make her smile...to free her from the constraints of her fate. And yet look at what had happened....I myself had become bound. RaXi knew it...and it no doubt burdened her everyday. How she always loathed chains and servitude.
I lay her on the bed gently and sit on the side of her sleeping form. I couldn't help but admire her in this state...it really was a rare occurrence. To catch her sleeping...she was always so protective of herself...never trusting anyone. Yet, I had been fortunate enough to see this side of her a couple times...during my time as Vincent. I carried all those memories fondly...each excursion...each day with RaXi.
Her face was light...it seemed to glisten in the candle lit room...her skin not seeming normal at all. But as though she were some ethereal being. I felt my hand instinctively reach for her. Up to her forehead as I gently brushed her bangs to the side, away from her eyes, then down slowly caressing her cheek, until finally my fingers found her delicate lips. I found myself leaning in...ever so slowly...just once...one small kiss...that's all...
Her eyes snapped open. Halting instantly...I immediately felt nothing but shame for what I was about to do! I began to pull away, when she grabbed me by the scruff of my collar and yanked me to her...pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss...the likes of which I was sure I'd NEVER experience again.
I don't know why I did it...but when I opened my eyes and they'd met Verex's...I couldn't help myself. I suppose I could blame it mainly on the fact that I was in a bit of a daze...but I wouldn't...I wouldn't regret this. He couldn't be destroyed by me...I couldn't kill him...and maybe...just maybe I could save him...
Slowly I released him and we pulled apart...our eyes trapped in a ceaseless gaze. He opened his mouth to say something when suddenly...he seemed wracked with pain. Grabbing his throat he keeled over to the ground and writhed back and forth violently. I didn't know what was happening...I didn't know what to do...I was paralyzed.
The episode seemed to go on for several minutes...and then...it stopped completely. Verex lay sprawled on the floor...completely motionless. His eyes were still wide...he looked the part of a dead man. I had killed him...This was the single thought that protruded in my mind.
I couldn't explain it...I floated in a dark abyss. There was nothing...absolutely nothing. Until very suddenly a screen before me seemed to light up...it played something familiar. A memory. The night I had been made to form a pact.
I watched as the recently formed nobody me agreed to the terms of the contract set forth by Xerebus without hesitation...all to find her. RaXi...ever since I'd met her...she was the only thing I lived for. After Father died...I'd had nothing...no one. Cloud and his group of friends had tried to accept me, tried to make me feel better about life...but I had never gotten too close to anyone again. And then I'd found her. She was just as alone as I was. And sitting there in the rain like that...just as broken as me too...I'd never let it show...but it had been there...the overwhelming loss and void my father had left me with. The need to prove myself...not to the world... but to him.
I recalled the searing sensation as the memory me screamed out in agony. The very first time Xerebus would invoke that pain on me. But not the last. Oh no...I would receive that very same sensation every day without respite. For that is how he intended to get me to talk...about what...heh...not even I knew what he wanted from me. I didn't have it. Even if I did...I doubt my spirit would allow him to have it. That man that I came to despise with all of my being. Not for hurting me and causing me the greatest of pain...no...for lying to me and keeping me from what I desired most. THAT is why I hated him.
And then the scene seemed to crack from all edges...I watched as I had risen up the first time...could SEE the shackles as they faded into non-existence...hidden from all eyes but my own. The Memory Me seemed to stare straight at me and smile...and then the entire image shattered to billions of pieces...
I breathed in with all my might it seemed as I returned to the light. Even though it wasn't really light...I blinked and felt myself sit up quickly...heaving as I forced myself to stand. RaXi sat there a look of confusion, fear and shock on her face. I examined my wrists...instinctively reached for my neck...I felt...light. As though a weight had been lifted....
"Verex...what....what..." RaXi stammered.
"RaXi...." I began, then looked straight at her. "I...I think you freed me...."
We sat in silence...pondering if this was really true...or if it was just wishful thinking...
hehe...so what'd you think of that one! ^^ Is Verex REALLY free? Does RaXi realize what she really DID?! Bum bum bum...yeah...okay it's really late and I'm in a weird mood. I really hope the post was good though. lol. ~.~''
"My copies?" I questioned. "So then...you knew about them..."
Tanex laughed. "It's only obvious RaXi. You train nonstop...by now you Had to have acquired that. I'm sure Marluxia would impart his prized technique to you. A technique that is VERY RARE for any nobody to possess. Only because of the severe training that goes with mastering such a technique. As far as I know, only Xemnas and Marluxia were capable of the perfect copy technique."
"So naturally you have copies as well...but I've already seen them Tanex. You need to practice more...or the copies will come out sloppy. Easily distinguishable and broken." I lectured. He broke into more fierce laughter.
"There you go...that is the RaXi I know all TOO well." He commented. "You were always lecturing me to train harder...always. And what if I told you I wanted those copies to be sloppy?"
"It wouldn't surprise me. You were always able to do anything...as soon as you put your mind to it." I responded closing my eyes and crossing my arms.
"I'm a little confused...what do you plan on doing with RaXi's copies and Xirian's book?" Nyx asked.
"Well that's obvious isn't it Nyx?" Xirian suddenly spoke. He pushed up his glasses with a confident smirk. "We'll simply use Master Vexen's methods to perfect a sort of..."copy technique" of our own. But we'll have to test it first, so I'll of course need RaXi's cooperation in this."
I gave him a questionable look...but knew EXACTLY where he was going with this. Lexian was all but glaring at Xirian after the mention of Vexen's lab book...it was understandable...for some reason Lexian had always been apprehensive about Vexen. Ever since that time...
"Well then, it sounds like we have a plan! Anyone against helping out our old comrades?" Tanex conferred with the others.
"Heh...I'd rather not...but I guess I'll do it anyway since no one else is showing opposition." Xarin smirked. "After all this...the little flame boy's gonna owe me BIG TIME!"
Nyx giggled a little and Lexian sighed. When the gathering was declared "over", we all went straight to work. I felt a sense of urgency...I couldn't explain it...I just knew our counterattack would have to come quickly. Before Xraktos could achieve his goals.
Leaving Xyta in Nyx and Lexian's care I was escorted to the lab by Xirian. Along the way...I found myself in even more shock than just seeing the meeting room. The halls...the stonework...even the tiniest of details...were exactly the same. Tanex had recreated Castle Oblivion...not the current one...but the one of the past. The Castle during the height of it's glory days. When we entered the lab...it was almost scary...as though Vexen would pop out at any moment...Shaking off such thoughts...I concentrated at the action at hand.
The next couple of hours was strenuous. It consisted of me and Xirian in the lab testing and testing and testing. I had made so many copies which only ended up destroyed. It was making me a little squeamish though...watching as Xirian took pleasure experimenting on EXACT reflections of myself. =_=' There was something demented about this.
A portal opened and Verex appeared. "Tanex told me I may be of some assistance here...what can I do to help?"
Xirian gave Verex a cross glare and looked him over. "And just WHY would he say something like that...you don't seem to have anything extraordinary about you..."
"Well, I may not 'look' the part...but I used to be a researcher...well, technically I still am. I'm sure I'll be of some use in the lab." Verex smiled. That confident look on his face...yet it conveyed more than that. Perhaps only I could tell...but it read 'Don't Underestimate ME'.
I smirked slightly but kept my thoughts to myself. Leaning against the wall, I waited until Xirian accepted Verex's offer. And then it was time to create more copies. I was tired...this was strenuous...having to create so many perfect copies and maintaining them all was no easy task. I didn't have many more in me right now. They dove immediately into their testing...but by the third copy, I was beginning to feel really drained.
"RaXi..." Verex questioned quickly seeing my expression. "Wait...how long have you been at this?" He now wore a firm expression...I avoided his eyes.
"I will continue until the research is complete." I stated stubbornly, placing a false look of stability on my face. I didn't want him to know how drained I was getting.
"Xirian, just a moment." Verex conveyed. He grabbed me by my arm and drug me from the room. Once in the hall, he pressed me against the wall. "RaXi...you're overexerting yourself." He growled.
I looked away...avoiding his eyes at all costs...the eyes I could not lie to...those beautiful golden eyes..."You do not know my limits...if I am at my limit...then I shall say so." I rebuked.
He laughed slightly. "Do not lie to me RaXi...you know that you cannot. You never could..."
The air became very sullen. "Don't speak about matters of the past...things have changed since those times...I have changed..."
"So have I. And yet...as much as things have changed...they've stayed the same. Can't you see that...at all?" He spoke quietly, in a soothing tone. I looked up...our eyes met and I could see the sincerity in his. Emotions that didn't register were beginning to affect me...and then I felt overwhelmed and slumped slowly. Reacting quickly, I caught myself as Verex seized me as well. "See...you've used too much energy...RaXi..."
"I don't care...this has to work...it's the only way...the only way I can stop that man. Get my vengeance...for what he did!" I found myself mumbling.
"That man?" Verex caught, his eyes narrowed and his grip on my arms tightened. "What happened to you?! What vengeance do you seek to exact?!"
I couldn't believe I'd slipped like that. My eyes wide in shock, I tried to escape his grasp. I struggled but he refused to let go.
"RaXi...tell me!" He urged.
"Nothing! Leave it!" Another wave of drowsiness overcame me and I stopped. "I haven't the energy for this conversation...just...drop it."
His eyes narrowed and he slowly released me, allowing me to slide to the ground. I sat comfortably...gathering up all the energy within me that I could. A tiny gourd was suddenly shoved in my face. I looked up at him.
"Call it force of habit...but I always carry two...one elixir for a fire-user...and the other...for an ice-user. Drink it and come back to the lab." Verex explained as I took the elixir. "I wish you would tell me about this vengeance matter...I can only hope it doesn't have something to do with me...RaXi...I would never want you placed in danger...and if it were on account of myself...and something happened...I could never forgive myself for it."
"....." I was struck speechless. The need to tell him was there...but I couldn't bring myself to speak. It would 'hurt' him...he'd just said it. ".....Verex..."
"I'll be waiting." He cut me off and walked back into the lab.
I sighed deeply. Uncorking the bottle, I drank the elixir to the final drop...almost immediately feeling my energy replenish. I couldn't explain the feeling I had...an intense sadness...
Slowly I returned to the laboratory to continue the experiment.
Sorry it took so long...a couple things I had to work out first. >:3
Have fun with your POV Ash! I left it completely up to you what goes on during the research! ^^
I'd had three weeks of wonderful freedom. It felt good...being able to go wherever I wished without bonds. But, before I'd gone ANYWHERE I made sure Etxel was almost completely full health again. He was a stubborn knight, but an honorable man, what this world of Nobodies lacked. I felt that I could actually treat this man as a TRUE comrade in arms...therefore I made it my duty to make sure he was all good before rushing to danger once again. Even if that meant drugging him up to save him from his own stubbornness. >:}
After getting a slight grasp on the situation at hand, Etxel had ran off as soon as he was able, no doubt to see Xakiah. All during the time he was unconscious he'd called out to her...they had to have been very close at one time. Whether they were now or not...I couldn't tell. She seemed to be a woman he would do anything to protect....anything....
How I'd wanted to go to her in this time. To finally say what should've been spoken back then...before I became this. NO. I would not regret this...what had befallen me...it had only served to bring me closer to her in the end. And not only that...but I'd been able to confirm what I'd researched all those years for. A nobody could feel...they did exist...they had thought patterns and emotions not unlike wholes...yes, I myself was proof of this. I had become a Nobody, this was true, but I'd lost none of my feelings towards RaXi. On the contrary...I only seemed to love her even more. No matter the pain I suffered...no matter what I would have to overcome to prove it to her...she would know...one day...I swore that on my very soul.
A familiar pang echoed throughout my nerves. The intensity was severe...Xerebus had returned from his long..."vacation". I smiled in spite of myself...how priceless that image...the image of Xerebus trying to escape from a fog. I responded to his summoning, appearing in his quarters and watching him pace from side to side in an angry rage. I did not speak...I tried to refrain from such meaningless chatter...I didn't care to hear his voice...ever...why should I invoke it?
"Verex...tell me now...how long has passed?" He snarled.
I smiled. "Do you really want to know? Three weeks."
His fist came down hard on his desk. "Curse her...that witch..." He mumbled.
Don't blame others for your incompetence... I thought loudly. He glared at me...yet said nothing. Then in a split second I was pinned against the wall. His hand came up and grabbed my chin. He glared at me, I stared back in defiance...just as always...
"Verex...you do realize that's three weeks of pain we have to catch up on now...don't you?" He muttered in a sweet yet vile tone. "I could give it to you all at once...but today...you're lucky." He smiled and slowly pulled away.
I didn't say a word...which only served to aggravate him more.
"Why are you lucky? Well simple. I've another task for you Verex...one I meant to assign three weeks ago..." He continued.
"Which is?"
He grinned. "I want you to keep an eye on Tanex. I don't trust him." With this comment he'd finally calmed down enough to sit down. He began fiddling with various objects on his desk. "I want you to tell me about anything suspicious he may be up to."
"Tanex has never done anything but shown you loyalty...why suspect him?" I couldn't help but ask.
"That's exactly why." Xerebus smirked. "He's been TOO LOYAL. One would expect the occasional rebellion...as clearly shown to me by Pashnirix, yet look at Tanex. He's done nothing but follow my orders...with a smile on his face even."
Xerebus was a wily man. I had to wonder if he expected any of the members to follow him...or if they were all simply his pawns in a much larger game. A game involving that man of Oblivion. Their Leader.
"Do not analyze ME Verex." Xerebus suddenly stated crossly. "And do not question my orders to you. Unlike the others, I KNOW you will not disobey. Lest you feel the consequences of such a betrayal."
My eyes narrowed as I glared at him. "Whatever you say." I turned to leave.
"And another thing Verex..." I stopped. "Make sure Tanex doesn't realize you're shadowing him...it'll only spur what he's most likely planning."
"Chh." I sighed and stepped through my portal. "Tanex huh?" I mumbled. I'd never had any trouble with him. Though, I always realized he was someone to steer clear from. Behind his cheery facade and sunny disposition lie a fearsome enemy, should you be foolish enough to make him one. I had accompanied him on few missions...but those I had...he had shown me just what he was capable of.
I exited not far from Tanex's quarters. Just in time to see Xeros enter. As the door shut, I slowly stood on the outside edge of the door...trying my best to hear anything being said. And yet...I could make out nothing. Low mumblings of scattered and broken words...Xeros really did need to learn how to speak up. -_-'
It went dead quiet. Almost to the point where it seemed they weren't even in the room anymore. Crossing my arms I debated my next move...truly, what was to be done?? I wasn't to let Tanex know I was watching him...so it wasn't like I could just walk up and say 'Hey Tanex...you a traitor? Cool.'
Suddenly...I felt it...RaXi! Looking over my shoulder at Tanex's quarters once more...I decided to pursue RaXi. I appeared just before the Citadel...but quickly took cover near the wall when I saw not only RaXi, but four others. I remembered the one named Lexian...the other was most likely Nyx. She appeared to be just the way RaXi had described her childhood friend. The other two...were...Aidex and Xyta! RaXi had taken them with her? This made me wonder...just how was Minx doing with Mat...er...Tamex. Xerebus hadn't shown the slightest hint of concern...but I was worried for her. I hoped nothing ill would ever befall that girl. She had been too kind to me to ever wish her grief.
This was so hard...lingering in the shadows...watching her from afar...unable to speak with her at all...
Marlex appeared. They spoke for a moment...and I heard something I wish I hadn't....
"Tanex. Take us to him, we have business with him." RaXi had ordered...So Tanex IS working with the past apprentices? Maybe not...this could all be a misconception...I pondered silently.
Shortly after they all departed through a portal to an unknown location.
Well...not unknown for long. I gauged the portal's intended exit and adequately set my new portal for the same...give or take a set amount of distance. I didn't do this for Xerebus...no....I did this for ME. Xerebus had given me freedom to leave Abyss in order to investigate Tanex. I snickered slightly...silently thanking him for giving me the freedom to move at will.
Stepping through, my jaw dropped at what lay before me...
Finally I do a Verex POV!! I've been wanting to do one for some time now! Thank you Xakiah for giving me the opening! LOL *ahem...the THREE weeks* X3
Marlex was down on one knee, his gwan-do carelessly beside him. He was gasping for air, the entire room was ablaze and yet he couldn't put the flames out with his wind...no matter how hard he tried. They weren't orange colored flames...but a red so deep...it was almost black. And they seemed they could burn through the very walls, if Verex wished them to.
Verex himself stood over Marlex coldly...with the harshest face he may have ever worn. He made no move on the man, just stood there, waiting for him to recover from his shock...to regain his composure.
"...this...this isn't possible..." Marlex stumbled on his own words as he stared at the ground. "You....someone like you...COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THIS STRONG!!!" He shouted standing up.
"How would you know Marlex...you've only ever judged me by what you knew of me." Verex stated coolly. "Which was nothing. Therefore, you SAW me as nothing. You are completely in the dark and mislead. But you aren't alone...almost all of the others in this place are as well."
"What's that supposed to mean? You lowly dog...don't speak to me as though you're better than me?! Just who are you?! How do you have such power?!" Marlex spit on the ground in disgust.
Verex was sweating profusely, it wasn't from the battle or the flames...but Xerebus's own power seeping into him. He suddenly laughed. "See what I mean? You looked down on me...treated me as though I were one you could EASILY crush...yet look at you as you beg me for answers."
Marlex twitched and prepared to charge him again. Yet he was stopped by Verex's outstretched hand, pointing at him dismissively.
"Know your own limits Marlex." Verex suddenly spoke in a harsh and condescending tone. "My power...isn't as it seems. Remember that...maybe next time you'll take the time to UNDERSTAND your opponents."
"How DARE YOU lecture me!!" Marlex snarled. Yet his words went unheard...Verex was gone. He had disappeared and Marlex hadn't even seen him leave. The flames around him slowly died out...yet the anger HE felt DIDN'T go away. He cursed the air around him, and wondered just how someone like Verex had obtained SO MUCH power.
"WHY?! Why does he remind me of that brat Triskix?!" Marlex grumbled heading down the hall. "Talking down to me with such confidence...as though he HELD BACK! I swear...I'm going to get to the bottom of this...I'll make that punk pay for insulting ME!"
His thoughts were cut short though...as he walked he felt the entire defense of Citadel Abyss shut down. It appeared RaXi had completed her "mission". She had subdued Minx...question was...would Marlex DO anything about it now?
hehe, what'd you guys think!? X3 Know why Verex is so strong? Of course you all do!!! And if you don't...I'm not telling! rofl. >:x THIS WAS FUN!!! hehe.