Marlex's confusion

Marlex was down on one knee, his gwan-do carelessly beside him. He was gasping for air, the entire room was ablaze and yet he couldn't put the flames out with his matter how hard he tried. They weren't orange colored flames...but a red so was almost black. And they seemed they could burn through the very walls, if Verex wished them to.

Verex himself stood over Marlex coldly...with the harshest face he may have ever worn. He made no move on the man, just stood there, waiting for him to recover from his regain his composure.

"...this...this isn't possible..." Marlex stumbled on his own words as he stared at the ground. "You....someone like you...COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THIS STRONG!!!" He shouted standing up.

"How would you know've only ever judged me by what you knew of me." Verex stated coolly. "Which was nothing. Therefore, you SAW me as nothing. You are completely in the dark and mislead. But you aren't alone...almost all of the others in this place are as well."

"What's that supposed to mean? You lowly dog...don't speak to me as though you're better than me?! Just who are you?! How do you have such power?!" Marlex spit on the ground in disgust.

Verex was sweating profusely, it wasn't from the battle or the flames...but Xerebus's own power seeping into him. He suddenly laughed. "See what I mean? You looked down on me...treated me as though I were one you could EASILY crush...yet look at you as you beg me for answers."

Marlex twitched and prepared to charge him again. Yet he was stopped by Verex's outstretched hand, pointing at him dismissively.

"Know your own limits Marlex." Verex suddenly spoke in a harsh and condescending tone. "My power...isn't as it seems. Remember that...maybe next time you'll take the time to UNDERSTAND your opponents."

"How DARE YOU lecture me!!" Marlex snarled. Yet his words went unheard...Verex was gone. He had disappeared and Marlex hadn't even seen him leave. The flames around him slowly died out...yet the anger HE felt DIDN'T go away. He cursed the air around him, and wondered just how someone like Verex had obtained SO MUCH power.

"WHY?! Why does he remind me of that brat Triskix?!" Marlex grumbled heading down the hall. "Talking down to me with such though he HELD BACK! I swear...I'm going to get to the bottom of this...I'll make that punk pay for insulting ME!"

His thoughts were cut short he walked he felt the entire defense of Citadel Abyss shut down. It appeared RaXi had completed her "mission". She had subdued Minx...question was...would Marlex DO anything about it now?

hehe, what'd you guys think!? X3 Know why Verex is so strong? Of course you all do!!! And if you don't...I'm not telling! rofl. >:x THIS WAS FUN!!! hehe.
