
"My copies?" I questioned. "So then...you knew about them..."

Tanex laughed. "It's only obvious RaXi. You train nonstop...by now you Had to have acquired that. I'm sure Marluxia would impart his prized technique to you. A technique that is VERY RARE for any nobody to possess. Only because of the severe training that goes with mastering such a technique. As far as I know, only Xemnas and Marluxia were capable of the perfect copy technique."

"So naturally you have copies as well...but I've already seen them Tanex. You need to practice more...or the copies will come out sloppy. Easily distinguishable and broken." I lectured. He broke into more fierce laughter.

"There you go...that is the RaXi I know all TOO well." He commented. "You were always lecturing me to train harder...always. And what if I told you I wanted those copies to be sloppy?"

"It wouldn't surprise me. You were always able to do anything...as soon as you put your mind to it." I responded closing my eyes and crossing my arms.

"I'm a little confused...what do you plan on doing with RaXi's copies and Xirian's book?" Nyx asked.

"Well that's obvious isn't it Nyx?" Xirian suddenly spoke. He pushed up his glasses with a confident smirk. "We'll simply use Master Vexen's methods to perfect a sort of..."copy technique" of our own. But we'll have to test it first, so I'll of course need RaXi's cooperation in this."

I gave him a questionable look...but knew EXACTLY where he was going with this. Lexian was all but glaring at Xirian after the mention of Vexen's lab book...it was understandable...for some reason Lexian had always been apprehensive about Vexen. Ever since that time...

"Well then, it sounds like we have a plan! Anyone against helping out our old comrades?" Tanex conferred with the others.

"Heh...I'd rather not...but I guess I'll do it anyway since no one else is showing opposition." Xarin smirked. "After all this...the little flame boy's gonna owe me BIG TIME!"

Nyx giggled a little and Lexian sighed. When the gathering was declared "over", we all went straight to work. I felt a sense of urgency...I couldn't explain it...I just knew our counterattack would have to come quickly. Before Xraktos could achieve his goals.

Leaving Xyta in Nyx and Lexian's care I was escorted to the lab by Xirian. Along the way...I found myself in even more shock than just seeing the meeting room. The halls...the stonework...even the tiniest of details...were exactly the same. Tanex had recreated Castle Oblivion...not the current one...but the one of the past. The Castle during the height of it's glory days. When we entered the lab...it was almost scary...as though Vexen would pop out at any moment...Shaking off such thoughts...I concentrated at the action at hand.

The next couple of hours was strenuous. It consisted of me and Xirian in the lab testing and testing and testing. I had made so many copies which only ended up destroyed. It was making me a little squeamish though...watching as Xirian took pleasure experimenting on EXACT reflections of myself. =_=' There was something demented about this.

A portal opened and Verex appeared. "Tanex told me I may be of some assistance here...what can I do to help?"

Xirian gave Verex a cross glare and looked him over. "And just WHY would he say something like that...you don't seem to have anything extraordinary about you..."

"Well, I may not 'look' the part...but I used to be a researcher...well, technically I still am. I'm sure I'll be of some use in the lab." Verex smiled. That confident look on his face...yet it conveyed more than that. Perhaps only I could tell...but it read 'Don't Underestimate ME'.

I smirked slightly but kept my thoughts to myself. Leaning against the wall, I waited until Xirian accepted Verex's offer. And then it was time to create more copies. I was tired...this was strenuous...having to create so many perfect copies and maintaining them all was no easy task. I didn't have many more in me right now. They dove immediately into their testing...but by the third copy, I was beginning to feel really drained.

"RaXi..." Verex questioned quickly seeing my expression. "Wait...how long have you been at this?" He now wore a firm expression...I avoided his eyes.

"I will continue until the research is complete." I stated stubbornly, placing a false look of stability on my face. I didn't want him to know how drained I was getting.

"Xirian, just a moment." Verex conveyed. He grabbed me by my arm and drug me from the room. Once in the hall, he pressed me against the wall. "RaXi...you're overexerting yourself." He growled.

I looked away...avoiding his eyes at all costs...the eyes I could not lie to...those beautiful golden eyes..."You do not know my limits...if I am at my limit...then I shall say so." I rebuked.

He laughed slightly. "Do not lie to me RaXi...you know that you cannot. You never could..."

The air became very sullen. "Don't speak about matters of the past...things have changed since those times...I have changed..."

"So have I. And yet...as much as things have changed...they've stayed the same. Can't you see that...at all?" He spoke quietly, in a soothing tone. I looked up...our eyes met and I could see the sincerity in his. Emotions that didn't register were beginning to affect me...and then I felt overwhelmed and slumped slowly. Reacting quickly, I caught myself as Verex seized me as well. "See...you've used too much energy...RaXi..."

"I don't care...this has to work...it's the only way...the only way I can stop that man. Get my vengeance...for what he did!" I found myself mumbling.

"That man?" Verex caught, his eyes narrowed and his grip on my arms tightened. "What happened to you?! What vengeance do you seek to exact?!"

I couldn't believe I'd slipped like that. My eyes wide in shock, I tried to escape his grasp. I struggled but he refused to let go.

"RaXi...tell me!" He urged.

"Nothing! Leave it!" Another wave of drowsiness overcame me and I stopped. "I haven't the energy for this conversation...just...drop it."

His eyes narrowed and he slowly released me, allowing me to slide to the ground. I sat comfortably...gathering up all the energy within me that I could. A tiny gourd was suddenly shoved in my face. I looked up at him.

"Call it force of habit...but I always carry two...one elixir for a fire-user...and the other...for an ice-user. Drink it and come back to the lab." Verex explained as I took the elixir. "I wish you would tell me about this vengeance matter...I can only hope it doesn't have something to do with me...RaXi...I would never want you placed in danger...and if it were on account of myself...and something happened...I could never forgive myself for it."

"....." I was struck speechless. The need to tell him was there...but I couldn't bring myself to speak. It would 'hurt' him...he'd just said it. ".....Verex..."

"I'll be waiting." He cut me off and walked back into the lab.

I sighed deeply. Uncorking the bottle, I drank the elixir to the final drop...almost immediately feeling my energy replenish. I couldn't explain the feeling I had...an intense sadness...

Slowly I returned to the laboratory to continue the experiment.

Sorry it took so long...a couple things I had to work out first. >:3

Have fun with your POV Ash! I left it completely up to you what goes on during the research! ^^
