
I banged my fists against the cold, hard ice that encased me, but it was no use. I was trapped, like some weak mouse. I growled, vamped up my element to my Final form, and clawed at the ice. Little flecks came off, but nothing happened. I could see the cloudy images of RaXi and Pashnirix fighting, fighting over me, like some…prize. It was pathetic, demeaning.

I saw the spikes of ice shoot from the ground, and Pashnirix leapt into the air…higher than he should have been able to with the limited clearance in the room. Hovering with light flaps of his wings, we all looked to where Marlex had appeared, apparently to retrieve Pashnirix. I couldn’t do anything but watch as Pashnirix dealt with his problems…

He stayed in the air, watching the situation from above. “Marlex,” said Pashnirix dryly, “how nice of you to show up. Am I hosting a party here, and someone forgot to tell me I handed out invitations?”

Marlex turned to the dragon, snarling. “Answer the question, VI. Do you or do you not understand the repercussions of your actions?”

Pashnirix smirked and crossed his arms. “Of course,” he responded. “Serix was trying to keep me from my treasure. Even a child knows not to come between a dragon and his treasure, Marlex.”

The pink haired Nobody brandished his weapon with a gust of wind. “Don’t play games with me,” he said seriously. “Serix was on orders from the Leader. You deliberately disobeyed. You will be punished for your actions.”

Pashnirix alighted carefully on the window sill in a crouch. “First of all, you as well as the Leader need to understand that I am the dragon, and as such, cannot be held to orders I do not wish to obey,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Second, if the Leader wishes to punish me, he will see to it himself, not delegate to a weakling like yourself. And thirdly…Serix should learn not to touch my things,” he finished, raising an eyebrow.

Marlex growled and rushed towards Pashnirix, his Gwan Dao aimed straight for the dragon’s heart. Pashnirix leapt into the air, over the pink haired Nobody, and landed behind him. He drew his scimitar and placed it at the back of the other’s throat.

“I will not tolerate this behavior any longer, Marlex,” he said, all joking aside. “You have interrupted my fight with the Frozen Duplicity. If you honestly wish to be defeated, at least wait your turn.”

Marlex snarled, sending a gust of wind around himself that knocked Pashnirix into the air. Turning a somersault mid-air, he managed to hover for a moment before landing on the ground beside RaXi. “I do apologize for his behavior, my dear,” he said to RaXi without ever taking his eyes off Marlex. “He obviously has no regard for the rules of a duel.”

“And you obviously have no regard for rules at all,” shouted Marlex, darting forward with his Gwan Dao outstretched. Pashnirix whipped around his tail, catching the other Nobody in the knees and sending him sprawling to the ground. He pinned him through the shoulder with a copy of his scimitar, saying, “Yes. I believe that is quite obvious.”

“The only obvious thing I can see here is your imminent deaths,” said a new voice.

RaXi, Pashnirix, Xyta, Setxune, and Rexikat all turned to the sound of the new Nobody. “Tanex,” said RaXi.

The blond Nobody smiled wickedly. “Marlex,” he practically purred, “you seemed to be having some difficulty apprehending our renegade.”

Marlex scowled, turning his face towards Tanex. “Then don’t just stand there,” spat out Marlex, “help me out.”

With a wave of his hand, Tanex opened up a void beneath the pink-haired Nobody, sucking him through. Marlex appeared moments later, the scimitar gone from his shoulder and an angry look on his face.

“Tanex. What are you doing here?” Pashnirix turned to the newcomer.

Tanex tossed his head. “Our Leader…foresaw that Marlex would have a few problems dealing with you all alone, so he sent me…along with some new orders.”

“Which would be?” RaXi stepped forward, glaring angrily.

“We are to eliminate everyone here,” Tanex said sadistically, glancing at Marlex, “the traitor, as well as the members from Oblivion.”

A tense silence draped the room as everyone processed this information. “No objections?” Tanex drew his ring blade. “Well, then, I suppose I’ll—”

“W-wait,” said Marlex. “RaXi…”

RaXi looked sharply to Marlex. “Marlex, I’ve already spoken to you about us. I can’t.”


“RaXi,” said Pashnirix. He had been watching Tanex with an uneasy stare, his instinct telling him that this Nobody wouldn’t hesitate at all to murder them, and in gruesome fashion. “RaXi, please, consider my words. You must free Rex. It’s the only way we can fight these two off, as well as protect your charges.”

RaXi turned quickly to Xyta and Setxune, who stood uncertainly behind her. “We can fight,” said Setxune confidently.

“I don’t doubt you,” said Pashnirix, “but these two are far beyond your capabilities. I have no misgivings with either of you, and by association…I feel compelled to make sure you are taken care of.”

RaXi glanced between Pashnirix and the ice-covered Rexikat, trying to decide whether this was just another trap.
Sorry it took me so long! I've been busy (Camelot is over, thank God!), and I had a bit of writer's block. :p
Have fun, RaXi!!
